The New Foundation

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Once (YN) returned to his group of friends, he was welcomed to quite a violent sight...

Yang and Blake still have yet to recover. Both were still passed out. Weiss was recieving treatment for her wounds from Winter. Winter, Qrow, and Ruby seemed to be in the best condition. Once I made my presence known, I shed my armor and returned to more.. pauper attire.

A word that Blake and Neo taught me.. Pauper is a word that is used to describe a Very Poor Person. A word that would fit my past life almost perfectly...

Ruby: Is Adam.. dead..?
(YN): Suicide.. From his own blade.
Ruby: That's it..? The Fang is done?
(YN): No. There will always be someone else who will take up Adam's mantle... I can only hope they choose a less violent path.
Qrow: As much as I'd hate to ruin this moment, I have questions. Specifically for the snow globe here. For starters, why did you cast the drone illusion? Couldn't you have stolen several drones without them knowing?
(YN): That would only make me a thief.. I'm not a criminal. Not when given a choice..
Winter: And that would explain some things. But why help my sister?
(YN):... I owed that much to her. I wronged her, and I.. I don't know. I guess I just felt indebted to her.
Ruby: so.. what will you do now..?

He couldn't answer that last question... not now at least. (YN) gave a small shrug as he just walked towards the edge of the hill they were currently resting on. As he stared off into space, Qrow's footsteps grew closer to him as the legendary huntsman sat next to him while he took a sip from his flask.

Qrow: You know.. You dress like an orphan.
(YN): Really? How fitting..
Qrow: Yeah.. I saw how you fought out there. Who trained you?
(YN): Dead girlfriend.. She taught me what little skill I had..
Qrow: Yeah. You were sorta sloppy there. So I've been thinking, How would you like to... Not dress as an orphan anymore?
(YN): I can already use my semblance to change my clothes.. I'm just not using it now.
Qrow: Kid. I'm asking if you'd want to be a part of a family.

(YN) turned to the huntsman with a confused look as Ruby stumbled over and sat near us, having Qrow help prevent her from falling.

(YN):... Why me?
Ruby: I mean.. As far as I see, you have nowhere else to go.. and Dad would love to have another kid, Right Uncle Qrow?
Qrow: We'll see. But seeing your potential, I feel like someone with your abilities can't just sit by and do nothing. With Great Power, there must also come, Great Responsibility.
Ruby: and I want a brother..-
(YN): I-I... I'm honored but... what if I don't belong..?
Ruby: You seem to get along with our team well enough.. I mean, aside from Weiss. But I can see her warming up to ya.
(YN): I.. are you all sure..?

The two nodded, though Ruby's nod had a bit more excitment. (YN) looked on as he clasped his hands together, sighing softly as he looked down.

Qrow: Something wrong?
(YN):... I.. I realized that I.. I never wanted a Path to Stardom.. I just wanted to matter.. to someone. To belong somewhere.. I think I'd like to join your family.. so long as there's no issue.
Ruby: Of course there would be no issue..! I hope. I gotta tell Dad the news!

Wait, their dad doesn't know about this? I looked to Qrow, who just shrugged and told me that it's just how the family functions...

I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Either way, I wasn't an orphan anymore...

We spent the day trying to return to Yang and Ruby's home. Once their auras recovered to a fair amount, Yang and Blake were able to carry their own weight. Weiss and Blake decided to come along while Winter had chosen to return to Atlas for work...

Weiss: So.. let me get this straight. You guys just went ahead and Adopted him?
Yang: Sounds like it. I don't mind though. I finally have someone I can fight hand-to-hand against!
(YN): I won't be doing that. Sorry to disappoint.
Yang: Then you can summon monsters to fight!
(YN):... Sure.

I couldn't. My powers were illusions. Not at all real. Not without dust.

Ruby: And I finally have someone to team up with against Yang!
Yang: Two verses One isn't fair!
Ruby: It is when it's against you!

Yang chuckled as Qrow walked up to the door and knocked on it. I took a nervous step away from the group, but Blake held my shoulder and smiled softly, in an attempt to reassure me.

Blake: They will accept you.. Trust me.

As Qrow stepped back, a man opened the door and looked amongst us.. his eyes stopped on Yang and Ruby as he smiled and opened his arms.

Ruby: Dad!
Yang: Heya Pops!

Ruby and Yang both tackled him and nearly killed in the bone crushing hug. He let out a pained chuckle as He ruffled Ruby's hair.

 He let out a pained chuckle as He ruffled Ruby's hair

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Qrow: Tai, this is (YN). The kid I told you about.
Tai: Ah. I see.. You really do dress like an orhpan.

I couldn't help but lower my head as I enabled my semblance. I equipped my armored suit and Mysterio helmet as I flew up and to the family of four.

(YN): That.. is a fitting. Seeing as how I am an orphan and what not...
Tai: And your semblance. Is it really all illusions?
(YN): Without dust, Yes. But with dust and this suit, I can do whatever I set my mind too..
Tai: Mhm. Ruby also told me that You would like to join our family. Do you know what that would mean?
(YN):... I'd have somewhere to belong? And someone I can always come to for help and safety.
Tai: And no one gets left behind. You get it?
(YN): That sorta comes with being a family.. I do.

Tai chuckled and invited everyone inside. I was asked even more questions and I summarized my journey. All the way back to when I first robbed the Schnee dust company, all the way up to Adam's suicide..

I even told him and Qrow about Neo. How we planned on having a life outside of crime.. how we just wanted to stop the Fang.. and though I did it, it was only temporary.. Tai took a moment to think as he looked to me from across the table.

Tai: Sounds like you really went through a lot..
(YN): I did, Yeah.. and now I just have to settle down for a bit.
Qrow: Kid, someone with your abilities can't exactly have some time to rest. At least, not for long.
(YN): Because the Fang?
Tai: Because of Grimm. And the Fang. There will always be a reason to fight. Qrow and I would be more then happy to train you and help you master your talents.
(YN): Illusions?
Yang: The sacred art of Punching!

Yang playfully punched Ruby, who squeaked and rubbed her arm as a result. Yang just smiled as Ruby gave a few weak jabs back before crossing her arms with a huff.

Tai: Combat training. Unless you would rather stick with just illusions.
(YN):... I'd rather just.. fight with my semblance.. Maybe just defense training, but that's it..
Tai: Alright. When would you like to start?
Yang: Can we start now? (YN), can I practice some new moves against you?
(YN): Only if I don't get hurt.
Yang:... Then that's a no.

I couldn't help but smile and shrug as Ruby cringed. Possibly thinking of all the combat training she had to go through...

Maybe.. Maybe a family wouldn't be so bad...

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