(W) Obsession

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Once the team finished their lunch, they set their sights on hunting for the Menace, Mysterio. They headed to the old warehouse that they first tracked the White Fang to and as expected, it was completely empty. Little to nothing here to be taken for a clue. No way to track down the White fang.

While the team searched, Weiss merely stared up at the roof. More specifically, the giant hole that she remembers crashing through with Mysterio during their second fight.

She shook her head as she heard Blake Belladonna shout for her team as though she may have found something that can be of use.

Blake: I don't think the White Fang cleared out as well as they may have believed they have. Remember Mysterio's first poorly made "costume"?

Blake brought up the old rags and carpet that resembled the older costume that Mysterio dawned. Weiss' eyes widened and she reached for it, holding it in her hands. This was cheap. There was no doubting of that.

Ruby: Can we get any kind of DNA testing thingies? Find out who this "Mysterio" really is?
Yang: Even if we did, We have no idea who the mystery person even is. DNA wouldn't give us a name.
Ruby: Oh... I thought detective work was easier.
Blake: Well, it isn't. As far as we know, this isn't even a clue. Not unless we some how manage to find a way to track it. Even then, we have to bring it in.
Ruby: What? You both said that-
Weiss: On the off chance that this can bring us somewhere, I'm not taking that chance.

With that, Weiss took the suit with her as the team headed back to Vale. By the time they made it back, it was already close to night.

Unfortunately, Weiss had to leave the suit with R-BY, due to the possibility of her father getting outraged at such ugly rags being inside of the house. Luckily, R-BY was willing to take the rags and carpet and see if they may be able to find something.

As the day ended, Weiss was escorted back to her mansion to get yet another earful from her father. So long as it meant that she was one step closer to finding Mysterio, it was worth it.

After she finally made it to her room, she laid down and sighed quietly as she used her scroll to once again scroll through recent news reports to see if there was anything new on the internet. Apparently Mysterio has become quite infamous as of late with his robberies and siding with white fang.

Something that caught Weiss' eye was an video that was moving across the internet. A video of a place that looked far to familiar.

The park that Mysterio first preformed in. The park that she and her friends were relaxing at when he made his grand appearance... It was all in a video. His face, his voice, everything. But at a bad quality.

She immediately saved the video and stood up from her bed and made a quick call to her friends as she sent them the video. Eventually, Ruby picked up the phone and hummed in response as she seemed to be playing a game.

Weiss: Did you see the video I sent you?
Ruby: Yep. Mysterio's first performance. What about it?
Weiss: I now have his face and his voice! Another step closer to finding him!
Ruby: but it's at a low quality. It would be hard to actually try and make something out from it.
Weiss: But we have to try. I have to try.
Ruby: I know. We will. But it may take time for you to fin-
Weiss: I'm sure I can hire someone to adjust and edit the video so we can actually find and hunt him down. I want that Mysterio done!
Ruby:...and by done, you do mean..jail... right?
Weiss: What? Of course I mean jail!
Ruby: Okay.. Well, I think we should both be getting some sleep. Tomorrow after class, We'll try to help you some more. Capiche?

While Weiss hung up the call, Ruby turned over to her Blake and Yang, who were listening in on the call.

Ruby: Do you think she's okay..?
Yang: I'm.. sure she'll be fine. I have no doubt that Weiss can kick that guy in the fish bowls!
Blake:... She isn't the first one to act this way over something related to the white fang.. But like she, and you all, helped me, I want to help her in anyway I can..

Ruby nodded slightly and turned to the TV as she put her controller down and hugged her knees.

Ruby: ..but I don't think I have ever seen Weiss so.. driven. Not like this... I never saw someone bring Weiss to the point of obsession..
Yang: I'm sure she'll be better once he is behind bars..
Ruby: She is loosing sleep, Yang.. And that was while she had us to bug her to sleep... I can't even imagine how she is now..

The team members took a moment and nodded softly as they laid back to prepare for the night, worrying about their dear friend.

All while Weiss remained up for the remainder of the night attempting to edit the video herself. Trying any method possible to better the quality of the video to make it usable, brushing off the make up that covered the bags under her eyes...

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