(W) Fresh Air

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At the Schnee mansion, days have passed since Weiss talked to her friends. She laid in her room, motionless, as she kept her face to the cold wall. Her father, nor her brother, didn't ever bother to check on her. Only her mother sister came to check on her and make sure she was okay.

A sudden knock echoed through the dark room. Weiss mumbled in irritation as she turned her head away from the door, using her messy hair to cover her face as she groaned.

"Miss. Schnee? You have some visitors at the gate. A 'Team R.B.Y.' is here to see you."

Weiss' eyes suddenly lit up as her form came back to life. She hastily got off her bed, fumbling over her blankets as she reached and barely opened the door to reveal one of Weiss' favorite butlers, Klein.

Weisz: R-BY? Here?
Klein: Why yes, Miss. Schnee. They said they would like to "Yang" out for the day.

Shaking in excitment, Weiss went back into the room and threw off all of her clothes while she looked for something new to wear.

Shaking in excitment, Weiss went back into the room and threw off all of her clothes while she looked for something new to wear

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She threw around her clothes as she eagerly tried to look for something casual. Something that wouldn't attract too much attention to herself. If she was finally going to be back with her friends, she had to at least look casual so that she wouldn't draw touch attention to RWBY.

Once she finally settled on clothes, she changed into them and started to fix her hair.

Once she finally got her tiara on, she walked out of the room with Klein waiting outside for her

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Once she finally got her tiara on, she walked out of the room with Klein waiting outside for her.

Klein: Shall I allow your friends in?
Weiss: I actually think I'll go outside with them, thank you.
Klein: Are you sure your father would be okay with you being outside? What with what has been happening, I wouldn't want you to get hurt.
Weiss: I'll be alright Klein. I can defend myself.

He gave a soft nod as the two headed for the front door.

Once they arrived to the front gate, Weiss suddenly felt immense joy at the sight of her best friends, all being themselves at the gate.

Ruby was playing some sort of video game on her Scroll while Yang and Blake shared a pair of earbuds and listened to songs.

Weiss: H-Hi guys
Ruby: WEISS!

Ruby suddenly tackled the gate bars and knocked herself back as she fell, much to the entertainment of Yang. As she chuckled, she helped her little sister up and ruffled her hair as she turned to Weiss.

Yang: How's it been? I assume you're "well"
Weiss: I... Yea. Y-Yea, I'm fine. Lets go

The gates opened, allowing Weiss through to her friends. R-BY hugged their snow-white friend tightly and talked about everything she missed back at Beacon.

After sometime of being drove back to Vale via Weiss' limo, the girls decided to go to Ruby's favorite bakery so that she can have cookies.

Yang: So... Want to tell us what's wrong?
Weiss: What? I don't know what you're talking about.
Ruby: Lies! You said you know everything! Filthy lies! Filt-MFH!
Blake: What Ruby was trying to say is. We know that something is wrong, Weiss. We want to help.
Weiss: I... uh
Yang: Is home treating you badly?
Weiss:...More then that.. It's also that Mysterio guy..
Yang: Ahh. He hasn't really been making himself as public as he first did.
Weiss: I want to bring him in. I want him behind bars.
Ruby: Yea! Vengeance!
Yang: It's sort of weird. How much dust did you even loose?
Weiss: Several thousands of dust containers were taken by him. My father's company is being attacked and I won't take it.
Blake: Now, hold on.

Blake, setting her book down, sat up right to express her worry and concern for the matter.

Blake: Do you remember when he first performed? What he was wearing?
Weiss: He had an ugly carpet as a cape. What about it?
Blake: So maybe he might not be as big of a threat as you may believe?
Weiss: It isn't just the money. It's my father's company. The fact that he made my sister see something that made her cry. I will make him PAY!

Weiss' fist suddenly hit the table, earning the attention of fellow people sitting around them. As Ruby chocked on her cookie and Yang helped her with it, Weiss sat down and hide herself in embarrassment. Blake just sighed as she settled the team down.

Blake: Well then, do we have any leads on where this "Mysterio" may be? We can't just go looking for a needle in a haystack. And even then, he managed to escape you once before. We have to find a way to ignore his illusions.
Weiss: More then that. Apparently he can also make some illusions real enough to punch an enemy.

Weiss groaned and leaned her head back, letting her hair run back as she let her hair down, free of her usual pony tail.

Weiss: I just... We need a lead on their base. Anything. When I find that fish bowl headed criminal.. I will.. I'll-
Ruby: Weiss.
Weiss: Ruby?
Ruby: Are you going to eat your cookie?
Weiss:... Yes. Yes I am.

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