(M) The Fallen Maiden

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RWBY and MN charged from the wall of the dorm building and crashed through. Left and right, Grimm were killing and attacking the defenseless huntsman as they ran and fought with everything they had.

Amongst the crowds was a team that was seemed to be defending the huntsman with their weapons and skills. JNPR.

Ruby: JNPR should get the students away from the Grimm. Just incase, Yang and I will help. You four go and stop Cinder from spawning more.
(YN): Yes Ma'am.

Ruby and Yang boosted themselves to CFVY with their weapons. Killing Grimm on the way, NWMB rushed to Cinder as she slowly grew to become more powerful. As Neo killed more Grimm, (YN) began to cast an illusion, shrouding the grimm around the area in a dense fog that caused them to faint and die just from the scent alone.

This caught the attention of Cinder, who in turn raised her finger and unleashed an extremely violent burst of fire that burned the area around it. Before (YN) could even be hit, he was tackled out of the way by Blake as the blast was countered by Weiss.

Blake: Stay back.
(YN): But I-
Weiss: Stay back you Dolt!

Cinder groaned in irritation as she sighed and shook her head.

Cinder: See what I mean? This school, despite training warriors, was so easily dismantled and reduced to ruins by me. Ozpin blinded himself by his own security, ignoring threats such as myself in the process. Ozpin's lack of vigilance caused this, Not me!
Weiss: Oh Shut up!

Weiss stabbed her rapier into the ground and summoned several ice shards. She raised the blade towards Cinder as Neo kicked a Beowolf away from her.

The shards all darted straight towards Cinder, causing them to melt almost instantly as her fire bursted past them and hit Weiss back. As she landed on her feet, Cinder raised her hand to the Grimm pool and summoned a Sea Feeling.

The monstrous Grimm flew through the skies, roaring as it fired lightening down towards NWMB, making the team run away.

Neo: Weiss! You keep trying to stop Cinder. Blake, Help her get closer! Me and (YN) will stop the Grimm.
(YN): How?
Neo: Try to kill the Grimm down here. I will find a way to take down the Feliong.
(YN): Are you crazy?!
Neo: Duhh.

Neo ran towards some of the larger Grimm as (YN) shrouded the Grim in more fog, killing and stunning them in their tracks as they tried to close in on the team

Meanwhile, Blake began to use her semblance to jump over, around, and under Cinder as she hit her with her Gambol Shroud. As Cinder tried to burn Blake, she would fade away into the shadows while Weiss continued to use several types of Dust-based attacks to hit Cinder.

Cinder: ENOUGH!

Cinder grabbed Blake by the throat and grabbed her bow, burning it into ashes as bits of her hair began to burn with it.

Cinder: You at least get a bit of the idea.
Blake: W..Wha-
Cinder: You are paranoid. You run from danger-

A mystic beam of energy came down and hit Cinder in the face, causing her to drop Blake as Neo teleported her from the fire, setting her down on the ground as she once again vanished.

Cinder: I have had just about enough of you!

Cinder: I have had just about enough of you!

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(YN): Then shut up and fight!

Just then, (YN) began to fly around Cinder as a bright green cloud followed behind him, shrouding them in a dense fog. Neo, Weiss, and Blake started to kill the Grimm around them as they watched the giant cloud glow a bright green with hints of fire bursting out.

Until the whole cloud erupted into flames and (YN) was knocked back while his cape burned, with Cinder grabbing him by the chest plate.

As she burned the cape, his armor began to burn and melt. (YN) desperately tried to pry himself from Cinder, but she grabbed the young boy by the wrist and burned it, destroying his arm guard as she looked down and headbutted the helmet, causing it to shatter. Cinder stared down at Mysterio, at (YN), with Anger. Hatred. Disappointment.

Cinder: All that talk of defending and protecting. All you wanted was to be remembered. But now you die. Another nameless corpse among all the others. And yet, nobody even cared enough to know your name. You'll die as you lived. Without notice.
Neo: NO!

Cinder was suddenly kicked in the head by a Glyph launched Neo, sending her far away as (YN) came crashing down and hit the floor as he was surrounded by his own burning cape and broken helmet. Blake came rushing to him and took his helmet off, holding him up as she used herself for support.

Blake: A-Are you okay?
(YN): I.. Weiss...

Weiss stabbed a near by Grimm in the arm and killed it with a burst of Dust as she ran over to (YN).

(YN): The.. Helmet.. Fix it with Dust..
Weiss: Why?
Blake: Now is not the time!

Weiss sighed and nodded as she took a canister of her fire dust from her weapon and began to fix the helmet. As she did this, Neo dodged and blocked every one of Cinder's attacks.

This time, it seemed to be different. Normally she wouldn't take fights so seriously. She would smile and smirk as though she was teasing her opponent. But not Cinder. This seemed to be as though she was fighting with a purpose...

As Neo dodged and vanished from another attack, she kicked Cinder from behind and cut her arm in irritation. As she fired a blast of flames towards Neo, her attack was blocked by her umbrella.

Neo: I'll Kill YOU!

In one swift movement, Neo's umbrella cut Cinder's throat. In one swift moment, drops of Blood dripped from her neck.

Cinder dropped to one knee and remained silent while Neo prepared to finish her off.

Until Cinder looked up at her and let out a loud, violent screech as her portions of her form began to alter.

With one swift movement, Cinder hit Neo in the stomach with a burning fist and sent the ice cream themed girl far away from the team

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With one swift movement, Cinder hit Neo in the stomach with a burning fist and sent the ice cream themed girl far away from the team.

Cinder let out a raspy breath as her wound began to heal at a rapid pace. (YN) took his helmet back and shrouded it in an illusion as he walked over to Cinder as she stared him down.

(YN): You gave up your own Humanity. Just to hurt people.
Cinder: I gave it up to teach people a lesson. One that you will die learning.
(YN): No. I'm ending this. Once, and for all.
Cinder: You will learn that I am right, (YN). Even if I must beat that lesson into your skull!

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