(M) Finding the Treasure in Trash

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He did it! He actually did it! Contrary to what his darkest thoughts were telling him, He did it! He didn't get as much money as he had opened for, but who cares?

This was his chance. (YN) has a real chance of making his name known! No longer will he be another face of a poor unfortunate! Now, Now his dreams come to be recognized!

He had to use what little money he had to buy fancy clothing. Or at least, the fanciest he can afford.

With $30 dollars, he ran to a donation shop that had, what was in his eyes, very amazingly cheap things that with a hint of imagination, can help him achieve greatness.

He walked into the store and was at an awe of everything. Now that he can actually purchase things, everything felt. Different.

Like he finally had a choice. One that wouldn't hurt him in the long run. He walked through some isles to find any clothes that he can wear that would make him stand out in the crowded park he wanted to preform. Something, anything to make himself noticable.

His eye was caught by a bright green suit with an amazing fishnet design. It looked perfect! Though it had quite a baggy fit on him, he bought it for its aesthetic and amazingly cheap cost.

Next he needed another thing. Anyone can wear a suit, but what would make him stand out?

A cape! Ahh, Yes. A cape! To woah his soon to be adoring fans with a flashy, new appearance that was never seen before. Something to really grab people's attention.

He paced around the cheap store, looking for anything that can make a cape. A blanket, towel, anything would do. Just as long as it made him stand out.

He then looked to the side and he saw a bright purple carpet with golden eye lockets on the edges. It was on the floor and seemed beaten up but in (YN)'s eyes, it was perfect. And when he saw how cheap it was, he was blown away!

(YN): This... This is perfect!

He grabbed it and hoisted it over his shoulder. Now with a suit and a cape, he will definitely be the star he always dreamed of being!

But there was another thing. His hands. They were exposed. If people saw how dirty has hands are, they wouldn't accept that he was a star in the making.

He scanned the isles and saw these yellow gloves that sort of matched the eye lockets on the carpet.


He looked over and saw what looked to be a small fish bowl. Perhaps he can use it to keep tips? Maybe even use it for some tricks and in acts!

Once (YN) made a purchase of everything, he only had a few pennies and a quarter left. That didn't bother him though. His name was going to make it big!

He fitted into the suit and gloves and cut the carpet bottom off and tied it around his neck so that it hung off him like a cape.

It was a bit heavier then he would like, but he loved it! It was everything he was hoping for!

(YN): Get ready world... Because (YN), the master of mystics, is putting his name out there!

(YN) then made his way over to a national park near by, almost too happy to finally achieve his one goal. Recognition!

He looked around and accidently stepped on his makeshift cape, almost tripping himself. He started to take deep breathes in an attempt to calm himself down and ready himself for his performance.

This was it! Fame was so close, he could almost taste it! He looked at his hands and smiled to himself.

(YN): Label me poor all you want, dear world... But now... Now I redefine what it means to achieve greatness. No matter the origin, no matter the social class.. anyone can be famous. Anyone can reach their dreams...

He waited for what felt like hours for rush our to arrive. Once it was, the streets would be flooded with bored souls just waiting for his entertainment! He couldn't stop smiling at the thought of finally being appreciated. Finally being accepted! Finally making people smile!

After a few hours, it was time to make his mark and have his name be known!

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