(M/W) Riches Vs. Rags

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After I met up with Roman and Neo, I was introduced to his associates, Emerald and Mercury, We were given the basic outline of the plan.

Me and Neo both had a Schnee Dust Facility to head to. Our goal was for me to sneak inside and ensure that the dust gets loaded into the White Fang vehicles while the trucks were being loaded with dust for transportation. To ensure my safety, Neo was to stay by my side in the illusion I casted and protect me in the case of emergency. While me and Neo did this, Roman would organize White Fang troops to drive and take the vehicles filled with Dust over to a white fang base, All while Emerald and Mercury did the same at a separate sum of locations.

I somewhat dreaded the idea of being on a mission with Neo. Though she was small and too some adorable, I can tell she could kill me without anyone knowing.

And with me living in poverty, Nobody would care enough to notice my disappearance.

The mission was by no means difficult and didn't have to many problems, but with Neo hitting me and even just being flat out insulting, This heist could have gone better.

While I maintained my illusion, Neo seemed bored and sat on the desk that was next to me. By the time I finished loading the trucks with Dust, Me and Neo headed out.

I couldn't help but feel... Guilty. But I tried to shake off the feeling and replaced it with irritation as Neo looked at me with a hint of slight surprise.

(YN): What?

She didn't respond but just smiled slightly as she grabbed her umbrella and headed down to the dust containment. I followed close behind her and we got inside of a truck as it made its way to our base.


Once the truck finally stopped moving, A soldier opened up the back and let us out for the other fanuas to take the dust containers. Just as I thought it was a job well done, I saw several more cars and trucks come in and saw Emerald and Mercury come in. More soldiers came to unload the trucks and Roman come here to applaud us on a job well done.

Roman: Way to go, Friends. Now, Did you all make sure you weren't followed?
(YN): I doubt me and Neo were followed. I used my semblance to make the cars impossible to trace and or sense.

Roman nodded and Neo looked at me with a raised brow. I looked down at my hands as the feeling of guilt remained within me. I guess I can't let anyone know my real face when I preform...

I sighed softly and tried to take off the helmet when a sudden explosion erupted from behind us. We all turned around and my eyes widened as I saw a face I was hoping to not see during the mission...

Weiss; You really think you can steal from MY FAMILY and get away with it?!

RWBY crashed through the wall and landed on one of the trucks. As Weiss pointed her Rapier at me, Yang hit her fists together while Ruby and Blake took to an attack stance.

Roman: Damn it! Mercury, Emerald, You two were followed!
Yang: Duh. You rob a shop and then drive away. What makes you think we couldn't follow?

Weiss kept her glare on me and the team all charged down to attack. Roman dodged Ruby's barrage of attacks and Mercury kicked Black off of Emerald while she fended off against Yang. As Yang tried throw a punch at Mercury, he caught it in his own hand and the two struggled. The sheer strength of Yang seemed to be enough to almost crush his hand, but Neo kicked Yang and sent her crashing into crates of dust. Neo turned over and gave an unamused look at Mercury as he dodged an attack from Blake.

(YN) vanished and used several spheres of green fog and even manipulated Weiss' point of view without her even realizing it. Whenever she would strike what looked to be him, she instead hit nothing but air.

Weiss: Where are you? Coward! Running from a fight!
(YN): Not a coward. Smart for knowing when I'm out matched!

Weiss then closed her eyes and summoned a glyph under herself and rose above the illusions. She wiped her eyes and slapped herself in an attempt to bring herself out of it, but (YN) just hit her with more illusionary mist.

(YN): I'm sorry for what I did! I'm sorry for what I've been doing! I just need t-
Weiss: Too what? Steal from my family? Attack minds? My sister cried because of you!

She growled in anger and dashed into (YN), hitting him and running him into the roof and above the base. They both rolled off each other and escaped the illusion and tried to regain their composure. While (YN) stood up and held his arm as Weiss tried to reach for her rapier. Too her surprise, it wasn't on the roof. She glared at (YN) and ran up to him, hitting fog as he reappeared behind her.

Weiss: What's your endgame? Ruin people's minds and then perform for them?! Robbing from my family just to suite your own needs?!
(YN): I'm sorry! I... I wasn't given a choice!

Weiss seemingly ignored what he had to say and tried to tackle him again, just for Neo to appear and kick her away. Roman jumped up and helped (YN) up as Neo readied her umbrella.

Roman: Gonna need you to take us to the new base Neo!
(YN): What? How?
Roman: Neo will teleport us. Make us invisible, anything!

Roman was speaking with urgency. Like he was desperate. I nodded and grabbed Neo by the hand and used my semblance to eliminate any method of tracing us while Neo used her semblance to teleport us away.

All while Weiss shook herself free from the illusion and hit the surface of the roof in anger, cursing (YN) under her breath...

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