(M) Ladies and Gentlemen!

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(YN) summoned a dense fog as an Alpha Beowolf appeared before Neo. The crowd around them gasped as the rabid beast charged straight towards the young girl. As the beast launched a punch towards her, Neo jumped out of the way and proceeded to cut the Grimm's arm. As it staggered back, Neo slid between it's legs and flipped over its giant form, kicking it in the face as it staggered further.

The crowd cheered as Neo's skill shined. (YN) then summoned a Death Stalker as the Beowolf was kicked back once again. The scorpion grimm darted its tail towards her, just to be deflected by her umbrella. Jumping over the claws, she flawlessly dodged any attack that the grimm threw at her. Every punch and bit from the Beowolf missed, Every jab and stab from the Death Stalker was deflected and dodged.

Neo sliced off the stinger of the death stalker and bowed, much to the astonishment of the crowd. Even Blake couldn't help but give a small applaud from her performance.

As Neo back flipped over the Wolf, she stabbed her umbrella into the shoulder of the Alpha grimm. While it screeched and the audience stepped back, Neo moved to the side as the death stalker dug its claws into the Beowolf, killing it quickly. As it faded into green smoke, Neo ran onto the Stalkers arms and slashed down on it, leaving several cuts on its back and body while it still tried to swat her off with its tail. Neo cut out one of its eyes, causing it to screech as Neo jumped off and slashed at its legs, causing it to stumble and fall as it began to fade to smoke. Neo stabbed it in the face as she stood in victory.

(YN) smiled under his helmet as he raised his hand and proceeded to summon a dense cloud. He shot his hands out at Neo, firing two beams of smoke at Neo. The attack was blocked by Neo's umbrella as she bowed and smirked confidently. She teleported behind (YN) and kicked him in the back, just for her foot to emerge through him as he faded into nothing...

Neo looked around and the crowd watched in awe as a giant figure suddenly appeared...

The surroundings. Water, Dirt, Grass, even the wind was sucked into the form as it stood up. It had to have been around 30-45FT tall. It dawned the suit of Mysterio, but all of the elements took form at the head.

Neo watched as the debris formed the World of Remnant on a smaller scale. Acting as the head, the world was faded and became the helmet of Mysterio as the smaller remnant began to form in its hands, forming a larger planet. Neo braced herself for anything as the giant (YN) grabbed the planet and slammed it into the ground, right on top of Neo..

A large explosion erupted from the arena, enveloping everyone around in a bright light.

Once the light died, everyone opened their eyes to see that... there was no damage.. That Neo and (YN) were shaking hands. The helmet was removed and both of them bowed with a smile.

The crowd cheered in pure astonishment as the two bowed and smiled. Looking down, they saw that they had plenty of lien from their performance. Neo smiled happily as she looked down, holding her umbrella as (YN) raised his cape and enveloped Himself, Neo, and Blake in a cloud. As the cloud faded, they were out of sight.

Back at the Belladonna home, (YN) and Neo celebrated their new found life style.

Blake and Kali watched as the two talked about how astonishing each one was. How (YN) was even better with his semblance, and how crazy Neo is in combat. Each perfecting themselves by being aside each other.

Neo learning to be ready to face bigger, badder enemies, and (YN) learning to summon more creatures to fight at a more rapid pace when facing someone like Neo.

They made a toast to their new jobs and now peaceful lives with their water, being that neither of them could actually drink anything to hard.

Blake: Enjoying yourselves?
Neo: DUH!
(YN): I am.

Blake sat down next to (YN) as Neo leaned against him, going on about how she was grateful to have a new life that didn't lead to conflict. A life that didn't leave her with blood stains.

While Neo and (YN) enjoyed enjoyed each other's company, Blake's ear flickered as she saw her scroll was vibrating. She stood up and checked who it was...

"YangXL has sent you a message."...

She hesitantly opened the message and saw that it was a simple "Are you okay?"..

Blake bit her lip, responding to the message..

Blake: I am fine. You and Ruby?
Yang: Ruby isn't too good. I am still training. Our Uncle and Dad aren't around as often as they used to be, so I have to do the heavy lifting. Again.
Blake: Sorry to hear. Anything from Weiss?
Yang: She seems to be pretending that you two never met. Trying to help her understand why you did what you did.
Blake: You're not mad, right?
Yang: You did what you believed was right, Blake. Though I am not too happy with how you did it, I am glad you did. Otherwise, Beacon would have been far worse.
Blake: I just want our team back, Yang. What would I have to do?

After awhile, Yang still never responded... She didn't even read the message. She scrolled through her contacts and sighed... she only had her team..

"Ruby R.⚘"
"Weiss S. 💎"
"Yang XL.💛"

Blake couldn't help but sigh as she noticed how long it has been since she has even texted either Ruby or Weiss. She bit her lip and proceeded to swallow her tongue, selecting Ruby's contact, typing in a simple "Are you alright?".

Once it sent, she hesitantly raised a finger over Weiss' own contact... nervous to type to her former friend...

After all this time.. and then the betrayal and leaving, Weiss...

Weiss.. does still see Blake as a friend.. right?..

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