(M) History in the Making

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Everything was normal at the park. Kids played, parents watched, and even some students relaxed and took in the calming atmosphere to relieve themselves of their stressful setting. With the healthy trees providing shade and the peace loving residences of the area, who wouldn't want to be here?

Everyone was relaxing, enjoying life's slow take until a sudden fog of green smoke appeared in the center; catching the attention of everyone around.

One of the groups that caught interest was a team of four students at beacon, the school for training hunters and huntress alike. None other than RWBY themselves.

Ruby: Yang, what's with the smoke?
Yang: I'm not exactly sure. Perhaps some kid playing with some toy?
Weiss: That's... Dust. Hold o-

Weiss suddenly interrupted as a boy in a green suit and purple carpet-cape appeared from the smoke.

"Behold! 'Tis I. The...u-uh"

Who was this guy? Did he make an appearance like that and not even think it through?

"I am the... G-Great Mys...terio!"
Weiss: ... Mysterio?
"Y-Yes! I am here to change the people's v-view of this world! To prove that.. t-that anyone can achieve anything!"

With that, this "Mysterio" guy raised his hand and green smoke took the form of a glass bowl. It wasn't clean, and I can see a few scratches on it... Huh.

Ruby: is... that a carpet? Is he using that as a cape?

(YN) just tried to ignore the comments. They didn't matter. Now.. Now was his time to shine. He took a deep breath as the people kept their gaze at him.

(YN): F-For my first trick, I... I-I will do.. This!

The young boy then raised his hands to his mouth and blew out of his hands, causing a kaleidoscope of butterflies to flutter from his hands, earning "Ooh"s and "Awe"s from the surrounding people. He snapped his fingers and wiped his brow while the fish bowl appeared in front of him with "Tip Appreciated" written on it. Weiss and Blake didn't seem at all impressed and resumed their activities. Though Ruby and Yang were quite fascinated thus far.

(YN): T-That's not all..! Behold!

People began to gather around him, seemingly astonished by the performance.

(YN) then raised his hand and a bright green fog emerged from his hand and took the form of a giant, bright green dragon. The dragon caught the attention of everyone around as it soared in the air, amazing and executing kids while adults watched in awe. All while was having the time of his life.

He then lowered his arm and the dragon rammed into him. Just to fade away into a giant green mist and (YN) emerged from it, rising high up and above the crowd.

(YN): The great.. M-Mysterio!

The people cheered. They loved it! They started chanting the name "Mysterio" which gave (YN) a warm feeling inside that he never felt before. Seeing people cheer his name while he performed. It was amazing! It was everything he had ever hoped for!

Kids began asking their parents for money and gave him tips. Ranging from a dollar all the way to 10 dollars! (YN) was absolutely taken aback by the people's reaction.

After what felt like an hour of performing, the crowed slowly died down and (YN) started to grow tired. He didn't want to stop. He wanted the people to keep smiling, to enjoy the show and entertainment...until... He heard a comment..

"The clothes he's wearing is...gross. did he get them from a dumpster?"

He shook his head and tried to continue performing, making giant sand castles and making more mystical creatures with the green fog... but the questions kept popping up.

"That's an old carpet. Why is he using it as a cape?"
"His hair is so messy. Does he ever take care of it?"

No! No, No. Don't pay attention to his poverty past, pay attention to the now! He is entertaining them to the best he can to keep their minds off them, but the questions kept coming. Some recognized him as the "poor kid that lived off scraps" and the "kid that lived in an orphanage".

Stop! He is trying to keep you satisfied, but you keep digging where you shouldn't be! Stop, please!

While (YN) desperately tried to up his game, RWBY watched from a distance. A worried Ruby shook Weiss' shoulder.

Ruby: What's going on? Why isn't everyone paying attention anymore? They're just asking him about his life while he performs
Weiss: Well that's... Well, when people are shown something amazing, they will have questions. People often take apart anything new and dismantle it until they understand it completely.
Yang: But does his background really matter? Why aren't people just enjoying the show? It's amazing.
Blake: Maybe they're already used to the clouds and mist? People do get over fun things pretty quickly.
Ruby: What do you mean?
Weiss: You know when you get a new toy? Yea, it's fun at first. But when you know everything about it, it gets boring. Maybe the people are already bored of it?

(YN) was starting to tire himself out as he tried his best to ignore their questions. His past didn't matter! What he does now does! But nobody saw it that way. They just wanted to know why his cape was so ugly.

He was unaware of his foot being on his own cape and accidentally tripped over it, landing on the floor, getting his head stuck into the fish bowl. Some of the money slipped out of the fish bowl and he started to back up from the crowd.

What's going on? He never wanted this to happen! He performed and entertained, but after an hour they started getting bored! Tears began to well up in (YN)'s eyes and he started to run off, covering his head in shame as the cape he cherished fell off while green fog lifted him away, teleporting him away as his cries silenced...

Poor kid... Like a new toy, he was put away when the people saw all his cool tricks...

Now he sat there in a near by alley, crying as he tried to take the stupid fish bowl off.

Why? How could people just get over his tricks like that? It was... It was because of his clothes... They judged him based off what he wore and the condition of it... He didn't meet the casual standard and thus, was only in the light for mere moments...

Why did he have to be born into poverty? He lived his dream, just for his living conditions, something he had no control over, to ruin it... Why? Why did his financial past matter? Why did the fact that he was poor matter?

(YN) just sniffed and hugged his knees. It was cold... nothing he wasn't used too.

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