(M/W) Ideals

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After Weiss had gotten everything situated with the Vale police force, she made her way back to her former school. Her dream school.

Beacon Academy

She had to bring several changes of clothes due to her no longer being able to have her families money to lean on. Not anymore. Dust, Clothes, and money, she can't rely on her family name anymore.

It was different. Everything was going to be different. Jacques would be put away, Mom would have control over the company, and Weiss herself would be the heiress once more. She would save her company.

But first she has to deal with a certain villain in her life. Weiss had to make her way to Beacon as soon as possible so she can reunite with R-BY.

Team RWBY was going to take down Mysterio. One way or another.

Meanwhile, (YN) and Blake have kept contact in Beacon.

Ever since that night of Blake confronting "Beck", she kept a close eye on him as he served as an informant to her.

Everything from small plans, too bases, and even weapons. (YN)'s Intel helped confirm Blake's fears of the whitefang advancing and continuing their range of weapons and abilities.

Since then, Blake attempted to hold up her own end of the bargain. Even now we see the mystic illusionist and the Cat faunas of R-BY sitting aside each other as Blake tried to teach (YN) on how to read on her level.

Granted, it takes time.

(YN): and what is this story about?
Blake: Looks to be a sort of gothic story Do you think you can handle fictional horror and death?
(YN): and romance?
Blake: they... sometimes have that too.

(YN) nodded as he opened the book and noticed that Blake had the same book in her bag. He peered into it and noticed there was several books inside, each having their own themes from fiction, horror, and even romance.

(YN): You seem to enjoy these "Gothic" stories.
Blake: I do. Now, please don't peek into my bag and resume reading.
(YN): Alright.

As he opened the book, a hand slammed down on the table and caught the attention of (YN) and Blake.

Cinder: You're needed, (YN).
(YN): Your demands can wait, Cinder. I am busy.
Cinder: If I cared, I wouldn't be here. Let's go. Now.

(YN)'s eyes narrowed at his "leader" as she returned the stare.

Blake: Go on, (YN). We can continue later if you're available.

He only sighed and nodded as he packed his books. After this, he stood up and walked with Cinder back to their dorm.

Cinder: I see you have grown close with the faunas.
(YN): and what about that?
Cinder: Yet another reason you should be careful with your words, Boy.
(YN):... What exactly do you need me for? You had me do basically nothing through the entire time we have been here.
Cinder: You're here so that we can qualify for a team here at Beacon. If you are ever convenient, then you will be used.
(YN):... You said that we were similar in a way. That if things were different, I would be like you. What exactly did you mean by that?

Cinder merely crossed her arms behind her back and continued walking until the dorm room was opened by Emerald.

Cinder: What I said is what I meant. You see, I once saw things like you did. Just as Naive. Every bit as optimistic as you are now. An Idealist.
(YN): And?
Cinder: Then life made me a realist.  It forced me to take matters into my own hands.
(YN): A banal speech? Is this why you called me here?
Cinder: An explanation. I intend for you to understand why my hand is being forced.

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