(M) Training

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(YN) barely managed to dodge an incoming kick from Neo as she flipped over him and hit the back of his head with her umbrella. As (YN) stumbled and tried to recapture his balance, He was caught by Neo in a grip in her thighs and was launched into a wall, causing the young man to grunt in pain as he hit the floor.

Roman: Come on, (YN)!

Neo then walked over to the boy and unsheathed her blade from her umbrella. A smile with malice intent grew on her face as she jabbed at him, smirking as he suddenly faded to a green mist. She put the blade back into the sheath and turned around to see a wounded (YN) standing before her.

Roman: You can't just use the same trick over and over again! You have to use a variety of tricks to keep your enemy on their toes! Neo!

The ice cream themed girl nodded and dashed straight for (YN). The boy took a defensive stance and kept an eye on Neo. It was her semblance. She was going to strike and then disappear.

(YN) wrapped his arms around his waist and released them to reveal several of small bats as he faded into a cloud of green mist. The mist then started to fly all around Neo as she put a hault to her previous strategy.

As the mist seemed to grow more dense, Neo just walked and seemed almost too calm. Like she knew what was planned.

(YN) suddenly ran towards her and tried to throw a punch, just for Neo to dodge the fist and avoid an incoming kick. She then swept what was revealed to be an illusion by the feet and two other (YN)s appeared and while one got a punch in on Neo, it was revealed to be just a projection.

As Neo cracked her neck and held her weapon of choice in a firm grip, the fog slowly died down to reveal that (YN) wasn't even close to her.

While Neo tried to look around for any trace of (YN), a sudden purple shard emerged from behind her. She jumped back to create a distance from the figure that was revealed to be a giant phantom. It was (YN), but with more Grimm features.

Roman: Ooo, Scary. But it'd be better if you landed a hit on her!-

Roman was suddenly cut off by the sound of Neo falling limp on the floor, dropping her weapon from shock as her eyes grew pale.

As Roman ran to his partner to ensure that she was fine, he turned her over to reveal that she... was asleep?

Roman: Alright (YN). What's your aim here?
(YN): You said defeat her. This is my way of doing that.
Roman: You didn't even land a hit! How could you just live life and not throw a punch when life throws one at you?
(YN): My semblance won't be used to hurt people. Bad, or Good. This is the very most I plan on doing.
Roman: and what of Cinder? If she doesn't consider this legit, then what?
(YN): Then she clearly is very myopic when it comes to defeat. A fight doesn't have to be physical, Roman.

Roman groaned and shook Neo to wake her up, just for her limp form to slump to the side slightly.

(YN): She won't be waking up for a bit.
Roman: Why? What did you do?
(YN): Merely gave her a peaceful vision. Calmed her nerves and settled her to rest.

Roman didn't at all seem satisfied with (YN)'s methods. He just laid Neo against a near by crate and stormed off to get some fresh air.

The young man looked at Neo and kneeled in front of the sleeping figure. As much as he absolutely didn't want to admit it, but for a girl, ice cream theme girl who just tried to kill him, she was... cute.

What's her deal? Why does she want him to be stronger? It isn't any of her business. Maybe she just doesn't want any loose ends during missions? That would make sense.

The boy reached out and gently cupped her chin, turning her head side to side as her limp form laid back. He then raised his hand to her hair and brushed some behind her ear, just for his wrist to suddenly be grabbed in a firm grip by Neo, causing (YN) to stumble back and fall in front of her as she rubbed her eyes, holding his wrist in a tighter grip.

(YN) grunted in pain as Neo took a moment to register the situation. Once Neo realized noticed that it was (YN), she raised a brow with a slight pout and poked his helmet with her own finger, trailing a frowny face on it.

(YN): What?

Neo let his arm go and grabbed him by the bottom of his helmet, breathing out to the helmet to fog it up as she used her finger to draw out a frown and angry eyes.

(YN): I have no clue what you're trying to say. Just let the helmet go, and I'll leave you b-

The little girl shook her head and stood up, yanking at the helmet. (YN) grunted in pain and vanished from Neo's grip as he adjusted the helmet, sighing in pain as he looked down at Neo and took a few steps back.

(YN): What do you want? The helmet? Why?

Neo only nodded and reached her hands out as she rested her umbrella on her hip. (YN) let out a defeated sigh and took off his helmet in surrender, unlocking it from the suit and taking it off, shaking his head as he looked over at Neo, who let out a satisfied smile.

(YN): Didn't you want to kill me a moment ago? What's your deal?

Neo just took my helmet and placed it near her umbrella. As she set it down, she turned around and raised her hands and balled them up into fists, taking an offensive stance.

(YN): You want to fight? Why?

Neo just pointed in the direction that Roman went off to and suddenly I got a general idea of what she was doing.

She wanted to train me harder to save Roman's skin.

(YN): Fine. But No murder.

Neo nodded and got back to the fighting stance and I followed shortly after.

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