(M) Swords and Shields

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Once everyone woke up and gathered themselves, we all continued towards the White Fang camping site. Blake ensured us that it should be close by, and to keep our guard up. Blake seemed to be dreading whatever came to come and despite Yang's best attempts to comfort her, she couldn't help but worry.

Ruby and Weiss took charge and stood ahead of the group. Weiss had her hand above her rapier and Ruby held her scythe while it was in a sort of transportable form. Yang held Blake's arm in an attempt to comfort her as her gauntlets were loaded and ready to fire in the need came. RWBY seemed ready for just about any attack that would come.

Neo, as always, seemed confident. She used her umbrella as a sort of walking stick while she and (YN) remained closer together and further behind the group.

(YN): You seem confident.
Neo: Of course I am.
(YN): ...You really think we can beat him?
Neo: Duhh. We always pull through.
(YN): Yeah.. but We lost against Cinder.
Neo: We weren't ready back then. Now, I have confidence that we are.

Neo reached over and held (YN)'s gloved hand and smiled softly as she looked up at (YN).

Neo: After all, We have to achieve your dream.
(YN): You know you can have your own, right?
Neo: (YN). When I'm with you, I'm content.

Neo reached up and patted (YN)'s cheek gently, mocking a slap. The boy rolled his eyes with a soft smile as he held Neo's hand, looking down to her.

Neo: Blake! Any Idea if we are there yet?
Blake: A-Almost..

After more walking, Blake went lower into the bushes, her friends following closely in pursuit. There was a flag with the very same symbol they saw in Vale. Below the flag, there was a large camp. Faunas in uniforms roamed around the tents, each with their own animal-like features.

Weiss: White Fang...
Blake: Mhm.. Adam should be here. Lets move in closer.

Something wasn't right.. Something was off. (YN) raised his arm in front of the team and they looked at him in confusion.

(YN): Something's... Off.
Ruby: What? What do you mean?
(YN): I mean that.. We... We aren't where we think we are.
Blake: What?

Neo's eyes widened as she turned around and deflected an incoming attack that came in the form of a bullet.

As soon as the shot was made, RWBY and NM all stood up and watched in shock and confusion as their surroundings began to shift and fade... (YN) prepared his own semblance and started to cancel out the illusion as everyone readied their weapons.

Once the illusion faded, the team realized that they were all back within the depths of the forest. However, they weren't alone...

"I knew you'd return, My love.. just not with friends."
Blake: A...A-Adam..
Adam: I told you to return alone.

Adam: I told you to return alone

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