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Once (YN) made his choice on weaponry, the team continued to advance their weapons and gear. RWBY readied themselves and with Winter at their side, they were sure that their victory was guaranteed.

Though, not to confident. (YN) warned them to not make the mistake that Neo made..

They loaded themselves into an Atlas military vehicle and prepared themselves for danger. Winter gave us a basic run down of what the plan was going to be. We were going to return to Vale and prepare ourselves for an incoming battle. Then everyone is going to take the homefield advantage and put mines and traps so that when we were going to lure the Fang to Vale, they would immediately loose their numbers.

With the Fang loosing some soldiers to traps, some Atlas weaponry, RWBY, Winter, and (YN), the battle shouldn't be impossible...

Though despite being told all this, (YN) had one thing on his mine while he clenched his weapon in his hand...

Adam was going to fall. By his hand.

Winter's words and plan ultimately fell deaf upon (YN)'s ears as his helmet stormed and turned throughout several different colors. Ruby took notice and placed a hand on his shoulder, earning his attention.

Ruby:.. promise that you'll be careful..
(YN): I'm going for Adam. I'll have to be.
Ruby: Don't face him alone.. You aren't alone. We can, and will, help you..
(YN): I know.. When we first fought, I left him as a bruised and bloody mess.. I won't promise anything this time.
Ruby: Just.. be careful.. For everyone's sake..

(YN) briefly took Ruby's concern into consideration, though he brushed it off. Yang noticed this and poked his helmet with her finger.

Yang: C'mon. We're a team. You gotta be careful!
Blake: Wait.. You're taking Adam on again..?
(YN): Not taking. Beating.
Blake: Not alone..
Weiss: Yeah, You ball-headed dolt! You dying wouldn't be helpful, now would it?

(YN)'s gloved fist clenched slightly as he lowered his head... Neo. He had to move on... For Neo..

(YN):.. Ruby. Weiss. Blake. Yang?
Blake: Y-Yeah..?
Ruby: Wha?
Weiss: Yes?
Yang: Yup?
(YN): I'm going to be the one who brings the Adam here.
Weiss: How?
(YN): Easy. By ripping the Fang from the beast's mouth.

The girls looked amongst themselves, seemingly trying to understand what (YN) meant...

They were in for a Show.. They all were.

After a day, They returned to Vale. The vehicle drove towards the older base that still remained in ruins since the Grimm outbreak and while RWBY readied themselves to get out, Winter's eyes widened as she grabbed her blade and stabbed it into the ground, enveloping everyone in a glyph as the vehicle suddenly erupted in an explosion. Everyone went down as (YN) used his semblance to hide everyone.

Gesturing for everyone to be silent for now, everyone looked amongst themselves and saw several White Fang soldiers in the distance with weapons...

(YN) motioned for everyone to move out and as he stood up, everyone followed him. Once they made it to a safe distance, they looked back and left the soldiers with a burning truck and debris...

(YN): So much for advantages..
Weiss: What do we do?
Winter: We take them out while they're separated. Smaller groups first.
Ruby: Right.

Ruby readied her scope and took aim at the soldiers. She counted around 20 in this group and was told to not take fire. Instead, Weiss kept a closer eye on the group and saw Adam Taurus meet with one of the leaders of the small group.

They seemed to be referring to the debris and Adam didn't seem too happy about the sudden act of violence. Regardless, the soldiers turned towards the debris and began to search through them. (YN) tried to get a closer look, but his gaze was cut off by a Crow that landed near them. (YN) leaned to the side to get a closer look while Winter looked around the area.

Winter: How long could you keep the illusion up?
(YN): For awhile. Though it drains the dust in my suit. For the sake of this battle, we have to find somewhere better to hide.
Weiss: Right. Lets go.

Still shrouded within the illusion, the group moved towards a building.. only to find more Soldiers.

Winter reached for the communication device to call in reinforcements and as several drones came by from the debris, they were all instantly shot down by the Fang.

Adam: They're here! Somewhere!

Adam turned to Emerald, who already had her weapons ready for a conflict. (YN) kept a close eye on Emerald due to her possibly being able to see through the illusion.

Adam raised his blade and too the team's dismay, several Soliders emerged from the ashes and ruins of Vale..

Rows after Rows, countless soldiers readied their weapons to search and destroy anything that moved...

Weiss: We need a plan.. There's too many of them.
(YN): I have one. When I give the signal, run like hell and get ready to fight.
Ruby: What's your plan?
(YN):... NOW!

Ruby quickly grabbed Yang and Blake and used her semblance to dash both of them away from the group. Weiss and Winter both used Glyphs to escape the area and (YN) disabled the illusion as a bright green fog began to emit from (YN)'s palms...

It's Show time.

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