(M) Unforgiven?

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A large green cloud emerged with Mysterio's presence and killed countless Grimm. While he flew pass Grimm, several lasers of smoke emerged from his hands and shot down individual grimm within the skies.

Neo kicked down and slaughtered several Grimm in her path. She truly let her psychotic colors out as she swiftly killed any grimm that was unfortunate enough to be in her sights. She either stabbed, or kicked any grimm until it was dead and had to visibly hold back before she could attack any humans or faunas.

Mysterio flew down and landed right next to Neo, with her kicking Grimm away while (YN) blasted and killed any Grimm behind her.

While Neo flipped over and around (YN), he provided higher ground and even better support with platforms for Neo to leap on and kill any Grimm from above. RWBY watched in astonishment as this dynamic duo beaten and killed the waves Grimm of grimm that surrounded them.

Yang: They're.. a unit..
Ruby: We were better... In fact, we still are..!
Weiss: Of course.. We are! RWBY!
Blake: Right.

The four girls quickly joined in and used what strength they mustered to help Mysterio and Neo kill and attack grimm around Vale until they were forced to retreat due to the amount of energy being lost from the teams.

Team RWBY with the inclusion of Neo and (YN) were in a building that seemed to be free of Grimm. They all rested and stayed low, all while Ruby, Weiss, and even Yang began to interrogate Blake. Well, more Yang and Blake. Weiss just kept a glare on her and (YN) as they tried their best to handle their own team.

Yang: What made you come back? Why did you bring those two?
Ruby: Where did you even go? Did they hurt you?
Blake: N-No.. I came back from my home to make things right.. I messed up and I want my friends back..!
Weiss: Then why are they here?

Weiss' glare grew colder once she met (YN)'s face. The very face that is permanently associated with an enemy that brought her too such lengths.

The newly reformed Heiress walked towards the illusionist, her heels tapping against the floor as Neo grew more aware of her movements, watching Weiss' every shift and movement, no matter how subtle it may be.

Weiss: What did you two do to Blake? Why did you two come back?!
Blake: W-Weiss, I-
Weiss: No! I want answers from YOU.

Weiss then grabbed (YN) by the collar and forced him down. Before she could continue with any threat, Neo unsheathed her umbrella and held the blade towards Weiss, glaring at the heiress with a menacing glare that made even Yang, the strongest member of team RWBY, freeze for a moment.

Neo: Let. Him. Go.
(YN): Neo, please.
Weiss:... Fine.

The heiress begrudgingly let go of his collar and crossed her arms as Neo settled down, walking behind (YN) in a protective manor.

(YN): To answer your questions, Me and Neo left with Blake because.. We wanted a fresh start. But when we saw that Vale was suffering because of our mistake, well.. we refused to just let it fall further.
Neo: Plus, you all sorta needed us.
Yang: We managed just fine, Thanks.
Neo: Hehe. I'm sure you all did.
Ruby: Lets just.. Calm down. Take a moment and-
Weiss: I want you to prove it. You, Her, and Blake.
(YN): Prove what?
Weiss: Your intentions.
Neo: Why Us?

Weiss sat down on a bunk and crossed her leg, maintaining her glare on (YN).

Weiss: I want you three to never leave our sights. And as for you, (YN). No more illusions when out of a battle. No semblance what so ever.
Neo: Once again, why? Maybe Blake has something to prove, but Me and (YN) are making our own way.
Blake: Guys, can I talk to you two outside of the room?
Weiss: I'll come with.
Blake: Yeah.. Please come with.

Weiss, seemingly without skipping a beat, stood up as Yang told Ruby to get ready for bed. Of course, Ruby pouted and argued, but the door was closed before anything could be heard.

Blake: Guys. Please stop giving them a hard time.. I'm sure Weiss has the best intentions-
Weiss: Until one of you slip up.
Blake: IF. Just be on your best behaviour, please..
Neo: I have NO best behavior!
(YN): Neo.
Blake: Thank you. I am sure this will be better in no time.
Weiss: Can't be certain. Now lets get back inside and get some rest.

The couple nodded and Blake thanked them for being willing to listen. Neo rolled her eyes and sighed before she followed behind (YN) into the room.

Once they were inside, Yang was laying on her bed with her leg hanging off of her makeshift bed. Ruby was listening to music on her scroll with the music being loud enough for Weiss to hear it while she laid down next to her. Blake laid down next to Yang and the fact that she didn't have her bow on didn't go without notice. Yang smiled and began to gently play with Blake's fanuas ears.

While Blake used to swat Yang's hand away, she just rolled her eyes and continued to read her book, allowing Yang to continue running her hand through Blake's hair while she played with Blake's ears.

(YN) laid back on the other side to the room due to Weiss not wanting a Boy to sleep on the same side as five girls. Well, 4. Neo essentially clung to (YN)'s tired form like her life depended on it, and Weiss was forced to just allow it to happen.

(YN): You really could sleep over there. I don't mind.
Neo: If I am being given a choice, then prepare to be my body pillow!
(YN): Fine, Fine

(YN) could only smile as Neo made herself comfortable, Resting her head on (YN)'s arm as she lazily laid on her back, smiling with a hint of content.

(YN): Not gonna sleep on my chest? Like in stories?
Neo: I would. But it gets uncomfortable..
(YN): Uncomfortable?
Neo: Duh.. Hurts my chest..
(YN): Pfft. What?
Neo: Don't act like you don't know why. I catch your stares!
(YN): Said the one that sleeps in either a loose button up, or a bra. Now hush you.
Neo: Make me~

The couple chuckled and gave each other a soft peck on the lips. Ruby watched the couple flirt and tease each other and turned to her sister, taking out an earbud as she shook her sister, earning her attention. Ruby leaned in and whispered silently.

Ruby: Yang?
Yang: Yeah?
Ruby: I think they're making Babies..!
Ruby: Hmm??
Yang: No more reading Blake's stories.

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