No place like Home

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With Roman's words in my head, a new found hope of Neo possibly being alive opened up inside of me. I flew straight to where I last had her body... In the hospital area of where RWBY and I teamed up against the grimm within Vale...

Much to my shock, her body wasn't there.. No weapons, nothing.

Roman was right... I have to tell Ruby and Yang..

I flew straight back to patch and as soon as soon as I landed, I opened the door to see Tai, Ruby, Yang, and Qrow sitting on the couch..

(YN): Guys, It's important..!
Ruby: Yes?
(YN): It's Neo.. she might be alive..!
Yang: What? She got stabbed. We saw it happen!
(YN): Her body.. Her body isn't where I left it. She had to have been moved.. what if she was alive, and just brought herself to safety?
Ruby: Then.. why didn't she help us in the big fight?
(YN): I.. I don't know.. but maybe she was trying to find us while we were in Atlas? She might have thought that we weren't there anymore..!
Qrow: Kid, I find that.. pretty hard to believe. How could she have survived when the Fang was out and ready to kill?
(YN): I.. I don't know..! But I can't just give up. I owe it to her..!

Ruby and Yang nodded and as Yang stood up, she placed a hand on my shoulder.

Yang: We'll help you in anyway we can, bro. For now, try and get some rest. You'll sleep on the couch. Hey, I'll grab some of my blankets from my room.
Ruby: I'll get some pillows!

Ruby dashed off through the halls as Yang patted my back. As Qrow and Tai stood up, they seemed ready to rest.

Qrow: Don't worry kid. Just a needle in a hay stack situation.
Tai: Oh hush. I'm sure that we'll find her. Just get some rest and we'll be able to do it without many issues.

I nodded and made my way to the couch as everyone made their way to their own rooms. As Ruby and Yang returned with blankets and pillows, I took them and while everyone left, I began to get my makeshift bed situated.

He rested the pillow on the arm of the couch and supported it with a few more pillows. He then took the blanket and noticed a yellow article of clothing fall out from Yang's blanket.

Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be a bra. (YN) blushed brightly and sighed as he grabbed it and walked over to Yang's room.

As he knocked on the door, Yang opened it up and smiled.

Yang: Sup?
(YN): Sorry to intrude but uh... I think this is yours..

As I held up the bra, Yang just snickered and took it as she held it up.

Yang: Thanks. I thought it went missing
(YN): No problem..

Yang closed the door and I sighed in relief. I guess Yang is a bit more laid back about that sorta stuff...

I made my way back to the livingroom and heard someone in the kitchen. Upon closer inspection, I saw that Ruby was currently grabbing a bunch of snacks.

(YN): Uhm.. What are you doing?
Ruby: KIYA-h... sorry I-.. thought you were Dad..
(YN): Are.. you not allowed to have snacks?
Ruby: Uhm.. Sure..!
(YN):... You're trying to lie to an illusionist.

Ruby tensed up for a moment before sighing. She began to return each snack she planned on stealing and pouted as I crossed my arms.

(YN): Go back to your room. Take one bag of chips with you.

With that, Ruby grabbed a bag of chips and dashed to her room. She seemed to have bumped into a wall and I couldn't help but faintly smile as I walked back into the livingroom. Once I laid down, I sighed and stared at the ceiling as I turned the TV off...

Neo has to be somewhere... Somewhere out there. I have to find her...

As my eyes closed, I felt myself slowly begin to drift off to sleep...


I mumbled and groaned as I woke up.. this was certainly one of the comfortable "beds" I've had in my life.. and frankly, I don't know if that is sad or not. I sighed and took my time to get up. I looked at the time and saw that it was around 7 in the morning. I stretched and stood up as I mumbled more nothings and walked through the hall to see if anyone was asleep. I knocked on Yang's door, but I didn't get an answer. As I knocked on Ruby's, I didn't get any answer. I sighed and decided that it may be for the best to not wake either of them up. I walked out of the hall and heard something in the kitchen.

I looked inside of the kitchen and saw that Tai was awake and making some breakfast for us. I cleared my throat and walked into the kitchen as I wiped the sleep out of my eye.

Tai: Morning, (YN). I see you're up and early.
(YN): I'm used to waking up early..
Tai: I'd assume so. How would you like your breakfast?
(YN): whatever is easier for you..
Tai: Hmm. Alright. I was also about to get started on your room. Would you like to help me chop the wood down?
(YN): Sure Dad..

Though Tai seemed happy with me referring to him as dad, he chuckled and turned back to me.

Tai: I appreciate it and all, but don't force yourself to call me Dad, or Yang and Ruby your sisters. Only do it if you're comfortable.
(YN): I am comfortable.. for the first time in awhile..

As I sat down at the table, Tai smiled as he began to set some plates of food on the table. I smiled and grabbed a fork as I heard Yang and Ruby run through the hall and into the kitchen.

Tai: Mornin'
Ruby: Morning Dad! (YN), Good morning!
Yang: Morning! What's for breakfast today?
Tai: Pancakes. Sorry, that's all I got. I sent Qrow to get groceries, though I can't be sure when he'll be back.
(YN): it tastes good..

Ruby and Yang grinned as they sat on either sides of me and began to eat breakfast. Despite me being the first to start eating, I was the last one to finish eating. As Yang began to do the dishes, Ruby began to clean the table and any mess that Tai-... Dad may have left behind.

Tai: Oh, (YN)? Would you mind folding your blankets and pillows in the livingroom?
(YN) Mhm.

I stood up from the table and walked over to the livingroom. As Zwei continued to bark and follow behind me, I began to try and fold my blankets.

Unfortunately, I didn't exactly know how to fold them. I never exactly learned how. Zwei sat down and watched as I struggled and sighed.

(YN): Can.. Can someone help..? I don't know how to fold blankets..
Ruby: Oki Doki!

Just like that, Ruby darted from the kitchen and too the livingroom. Behind her trailed a path of rose petals, much to Yang and Tai's irritation.

Tai: Thank you for helping, Ruby. But we talked about this. No semblances in the house.
Ruby: Sorry dad! Uhm.. I'll clean it up after!
Yang: You better!

Ruby nervously chuckled before she imstructed me to hold the blanket out. I did as instructed and allowed myself to follow Ruby's every step. Though she didn't have a cape of her own, she still did the movements to try and help me understand what, and how, to fold.

Eventually, I was able to fold the blanket on my own. As Ruby cheered and celebrated my victory, I helped her clean up the mess of petals she left behind her tracks.

I... I really feel at home here.

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