(M/W) Taking Leadership

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It's been a few days since the warehouse showdown and Weiss has been showing a lack of sleep. She once had beautiful, pale blue eyes. Now, they've grown somewhat dull and even had small, dark bags under them as evidence of sleep deprivation. She would even pass out during one of Prof. Port's many lectures, which was more then enough of a red flag for Ruby.

Now the team sat in a room with a tired Weiss sitting on her bed as her team members stood around her, forcing her to at least rest for a few hours.

Weisz: I can't..
Ruby: I.. Know that the robbery is bothering you. But if you dedicate this much time to it, then you'll be exhausted when we actually get the chance to catch him..
Yang: Yea. You're acting like Blake did a few weeks ago with the White Fang.
Blake: Hey... Fair enough. But still. Weiss, I get it. You want to protect your family's company. But depriving yourself from sleep won't help that.
Weiss: It... It's my father's company.. I can't just stand by and let some nobody ruin it..!

Weiss attempted to get up and walk pass her teammates, but Ruby raised her arm to prevent her from even getting up.

Ruby: You need to sleep. We'll let you know if something happens.
Weiss: But... Th-
Ruby: As your team leader, I demand that you rest. That is an order.

Yang then whispered something in Ruby's ear and she nodded slightly as she turned to Weiss.

Ruby: When you wake up and are well rested, we will investigate the warehouse to find any kind of trace of that gu-
Blake: What?
Yang: The wrestler?
Weiss: His name... It's Mysterio..

The team all looked to each other and nodded amongst themselves as Weiss sighed and laid down. As she covered herself, she looked over at Ruby Rose, who gave her a confident, and yet caring look.

Weiss:... Look at you... being a leader and all. Quite a step of improvement...
Ruby: Mhm... Wait-HEY! I can be a great team leader!
Weiss: That wasn't sarcasm.
Ruby:... Really?

Weiss shut her eyes and nodded, mentally rolling her eyes as her leader gave a gasp of excitment. It was the first time Weiss ever complimented her... Leadership skills.

Maybe rest is what Weiss needs...

Meanwhile, at the new White Fang base.

Roman paced back and forth in frustration as (YN) and Neo stood aside, avoiding any and all incoming shots and or chairs coming from Roman's rage. He grabbed his hat and threw it on the ground, grumbling through his teeth while a door opened up.

Roman: You! Your little side-hoes ruined the heist! How are we supposed to get Dust when your little side kicks keep giving us away!?

Neo nodded and stamped her foot on the ground, similar to how Roman did while I folded my hands behind my back. Mercury and Emerald walked through the door, shortly followed by a Woman that looked to be 5'11.

Roman: Why did you even have to send those damn kids on this mission?
Mercury: Shut up!
???: Mercury.

Almost like a charm, Mercury stopped himself from leaping down and getting too confrontational. The woman spoke with a sense of power and authority. And judging from how she kept someone like Mercury in check just with the sound if her voice, she had to be.

Roman: Damn it, Cind-

Roman was suddenly cut off as Neo used her umbrella to block an incoming attack coming from the woman. A burst of fire emitted from her hand as she looked down at us.

 A burst of fire emitted from her hand as she looked down at us

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???: Enough Complaining, Roman.
Roman: You costed us Dust!
???: And we will get more. But if you keep acting like an impatient, pouty child, we won't get anything done.

Roman growled and hit his cane to the ground.

???: It was a simple mistake. Emerald didn't use her semblance the way she was supposed to and gotten followed. We will get them next time. But for now, Who is this?

I noticed that she was motioning to me. I looked over and saw that she wasn't looking at me, but was still acknowledging my presence.

Roman: Him? He is my new partner. (YN)(LN). The Mysterio, as he calls himself.
???: Hm.

The woman turned an eye toward me and seemed to have wanted a better answer. She jumped down and lit her eye ablaze as she walked around me. I noticed Neo looking at me, seemingly waiting for my response.

Judging from just her presence, she seemed like someone I shouldn't just mouth off. Not that I was planning on doing that anyway.

???: And what are your abilities?
Roman: He c-
???: Let him speak for himself.

Roman silenced himself as the woman threatened him with a fireball. Neo took a defensive stance as she looked back at me, continuing to circle around me.

???: What are your abilities? Your semblance?
(YN): I... have no combat ability. Though my semblance seems to be enough to make up for that short coming.
???:... What?

The woman looked at me with a puzzled, almost irritated expression as her hand started to heat up. I unfolded my hands from behind my back and raised one hand, emitting a bright green fog from my palm.

(YN): With this, I... I can make anyone see anything I want. It can be either illusion, or real. Attack on the mind, body, or both at once...

Cinder seemed almost slightly bought on my semblance. Though my lack of combat ability may have turned her away just enough for it not to matter.

???: Perhaps you could be of more use. Though, You will need to train more. Roman!

Roman suddenly stood up and prepared himself for another attack, just for the woman to use her voice.

???: Train him. If he isn't strong enough to defeat Mercury by half a month, You will burn. Do I make myself clear?
Roman: Yes Cinder!

So... Cinder is her name. As she turned her back on me, she peered over her shoulder as her eye burned an even brighter flame.

Cinder: You seem like you could be useful. Don't disappoint. You don't want to face the consequences.

She then bursted into flames and vanished from the room, leaving the room's atmosphere almost heavy and tense. I looked around and saw Roman picking up his hat while he grumbled and Neo patting his back. I turned my head above and saw Mercury cracking his knuckles and Emerald giving me a look of some what empathy. Almost like she was once in my position...

This line of work just got even harder.

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