(M) Grimm Invasion

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As it hit the three, the team looked between each other and got ready to leave the warehouse, until Neo grabbed (YN)'s wrist.

Neo: If.. This is as big as we think it is, Roman wanted to give you this.

Neo, Blake, and (YN) ran through the warehouse to another giant crate.

Blake: What's in it?
Neo: A suit... One that Roman designed himself. For (YN).

(YN) took a moment but opened the crate, revealing a brand new suit that fitted his Mysterio persona..

(YN) took a moment but opened the crate, revealing a brand new suit that fitted his Mysterio persona

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Once fitted into the new suit, Team N.M.B. headed back to Beacon Academy as quickly as their abilities would let them. They had to get there and prevent Cinder from summoning the Grimm. After returning to Vale, the team went on a Bullhead to get to Beacon as soon as possible..

(YN): What kinds of Grimm can she control?
Blake: It says that any breed of Grimm that is summoned can bend to the will of the one who's blood is dropped into the newly spawned Grimm pool.. Cinder just has to cut herself and then she wins.
Neo: but It's Beacon! With all the huntsmen there, I think they at least have a chance.
Blake: She can spawn as many deathstalkers, nevermores, and Feilong as she needs. It would be like fighting a never ending fight with enemies that can kill you with ease..
(YN): All the more reason to beat her before she succeeds.

Blake nodded as we slowly closed in on Beacon. Oddly enough, despite the situation, Neo seemed a tad off. Almost like she was thinking of something intently.

(YN): Neo, Are you okay?
Neo: Well... Yea. But we never been on a date before..
(YN): That's still on your mind?
Neo: Duhh. Well, how about we go on one? After we beat Cinder.
Blake: IF we beat Cinder. Victory is hardly guaranteed.
Neo: I'm sure we can pull if off. Heroes always win.
(YN): Is that what we are?
Neo: (YN). Regardless of what we may have done in the past, we can still change and become better people. Even you, Blake. I think.
Blake: Oh wow. How profound of you.
Neo: My point is that we will beat Cinder. Then me and (YN) are going on a date, and all will be well.
Blake: I... I will be going home after this.
Neo: Why? We're a team, Dummy!
Blake: This is the first time I haven't ran away from something bigger than myself. Even now, I want to turn away..
(YN): Blake.

(YN) placed a firm hand on Blake's shoulder, earning him her attention.

(YN): I learned that.. Sometimes I can't run away from problems. Especially if it means that other people will be hurt. When I joined White Fang, I wanted to run away. To hide. But then Cinder said she knew where my family was... I couldn't condemn them to suffer for my own gain. You aren't alone in this. You have me and Neo, Your team, your friends. We will Fight as One. Assembled and Strong.

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