(M) Reaching for New Heights

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(YN) let out a low groan as a sweet scent surrounded him. He opened a hazy eye and looked down to see a mess of Pink and Brown hair with strands of white laying on top of him. Looking over, he realized that Neo moves and shifts in her sleep. Contrary to how they slept at first, Neo was now lazily laying on the boy while she drooled on his form.

The young boy smiled softly and began to gently run his hand through her soft, sweet hair. After a moment, the girl started to mutter incoherent nothings as she turned up to see her boyfriend with hazy, sleepy eyes. She blinked and wiped her drool off before she nuzzled into his neck, attempting to go back to sleep as the boy chuckled.

Neo, One of Remnant's most dangerous assassins, wad hiding her face in his neck as though she was afraid of waking up.

(YN): C'mon, Neo. Time to get up.
Neo: Not..yet..

She mumbled silently and held him tighter, almost clinging to him. He could only smile in as he turned over and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as a form of surrender. A smug smile made its way to Neo's face as she nuzzled further.

Neo: Good choice..

Sometime later, the two finally decided to get up and changed. While (YN) grabbed whatever clothes Ghira gave him, Neo changed into her typical uniform. Once the two left their room, they headed towards the livingroom.

Once they made it, They met up with Blake and her mother, Kali for breakfast.

Neo dug into the food eagerly. Amazing how such a short girl like her can eat so much in such a small amount of time... Perhaps she is a foodie?

Kali: Calm down now. No need to choke yourself.

Neo stopped eating for a moment and glanced up at Kali before slowly resuming to eat at her own pace. Blake sighed as I cleared my throat, causing Blake and Kali's ears to turn to me.

(YN): I was wondering if.. There are any forms of entertainment here. Ya know, so me and Neo can preform?
Kali: I believe there was once an old stage. But it's retired and worn down. I wouldn't recommend using it.
Blake: Why?
(YN): Me and Neo are starting over.. No more crime, No more white fang, No more. We are turning a new leaf.
Kali: How sweet.

Kali sat on the opposite side of the table and rested her head on her hands as her and Blake both listened to our plan to preform for the Faunas and earn money so we can make our own sort of living.

As he explained theur plan, he noticed Kali lean over and whisper to Blake something that caused her to nod in agreement. As he raised a brow curiously, Kali waved it off as nothing to important and not worth repeating.

Once breakfast was done, (YN) had the idea to start off small. To restart in Menagerie.

Blake, Neo, and (YN) set out to the main village to look around for an area that wasn't being used, but also was well populated so that (YN) and Neo can do a good enough job under several people's watch.

Needless to say, Faunas all around (YN) and Neo were watching them with suspicion. Hell, some even glared and shouted at them. (YN) consistantly reminded Neo to ignore them as the prepared the area for their show.

When it was finally ready, Blake sat back and watched as Neo readied her umbrella, and (YN) once again dawned a more... Updated version of his first suit. The very same suit he bought all that time ago. The one he wore during his first performance.

Only now, its design was changed by Neo, and was cast by (YN)'s illusion.

The appearance of Green and Purple smoke attracted the attention of the faunas around them

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The appearance of Green and Purple smoke attracted the attention of the faunas around them. As (YN), now dawning the title of Mysterio, stood forward...

He couldn't help but choke on his own words. He looked around.. everyone's eyes were on him. He lowered his head as flash backs began to flood his mind...


"Behold! 'Tis I. The...u-uh"

He stood in the center of the park, surrounded by people and faunas... this was his time to shine..

"I am the... G-Great Mys...terio Y-Yes! I am here to change the people's v-view of this world! To prove that.. t-that anyone can achieve anything!"

Despite his nerves ied to ignore the comments. They didn't matter. Now.. Now was his time to shine. He took a deep breath as the people kept their gaze at him.

(YN): F-For my first trick, I... I-I will do.. This!

He then raised his hands to his mouth and blew out of his hands, causing a kaleidoscope of butterflies to flutter from his hands, earning "Ooh"s and "Awe"s from the surrounding people.

As they admired his trick, He snapped his fingers and wiped his brow while the fish bowl appeared in front of him with "Tip Appreciated" written on it.

(YN): T-That's not all..! Behold!

People began to gather around him, seemingly astonished by the performance as he then raised his hand as a giant, bright green dragon. The dragon caught the attention of everyone around as it soared in the air, amazing and executing kids while adults watched in awe. All while was having the time of his life.

FlashBack End

He bit his lip as a soft, gentle hand reached out and held his hand. He turned over and saw Neo... He shook his head and smiled as he raised a hand.

(YN): Behold! I am MYSTERIO! The Master of the mystics is here to ensure that you all may have the time of your natural lives! Please enjoy as I, and my lovely assistant, Neo, preform fantastical fantasies for all of you to enjoy!

More faunas began to approach us as we calmly bowed and walked to separate ends of the area...

The show will Now begin, ladies and gentlemen.

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