(M) To Grieve and Bleed

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While Adam was taken back to the White Fang camp, (YN) and his teammates had already returned to a safe haven. While RWBY tried to comfort (YN), who was holding Neo's hand in a firm, yet gentle grasp as Neo remained slumped over, holding her wound as she clung to (YN) for support...

Neo wasn't the only one who noticed (YN)'s darker suit. Instead of the bright green that he always wore, the suit was black. With two glowing eyes under the helmet and a large Purple cape, Neo wasn't too sure if she liked this new suit...

(YN): You'll be okay... Y..Y-You'll be okay.. We heading to a hospital..

Neo nodded softly as her aura was just barely able to keep her conscious. Her eyes continued to droop, fading in and out of the moment as the burning in her chest continued to grow, eating away at her aura at the moment.

(YN) held Neo closer, ignoring the intense burns on her chest as he kissed her forehead. Tears streamed down his cheeks as Neo's grasp began to weaken and tighten again... her aura was failing.

Once they made it back to their own base, Neo was sent to the med bay. While (YN) paced around RWBY's room, one question stormed his mind...

Would NEO survive her wounds?

Blake: (Y-YN).. I-
(YN) What else do you know about Adam.. Anything, Anything else.
Yang: You..plan on going back there..
(YN): I'll finish what I started.
Blake: No..

Weiss reached forward and grabbed (YN) by the wrist. As their eyes met, Weiss immediately gained an idea of just how much (YN) was breaking beneath the surface... His eyes were red, his cheeks drenched with fresh tears, and his throat clogged from choking on his own tears. Weiss remained firm on her ground and sighed softly.

Weiss: I...understand what you feel.. but You can't just run in again like that..
Blake: He just went easy on you because you interested him.. Now that he knows how dangerous you are, he won't let you live.. Not willingly.
(YN): Then.. I guess I'll kill him first.
Weiss: (YN)!

A sudden slap echoed across the room as Weiss' hand was now wet with the tears from (YN)'s face. (YN) stood completely still as what he said came into realization.

Weiss: I don't care what side you're on. Killing ISN't an option.
(YN):...I'd be avenging Neo.
Blake: By being like Adam..?
(YN): Being stronger then him.
Blake: He would crush you, (YN).. and I-I can't just.. let you kill yourself like that..
(YN): Blake.

(YN) looked over to Blake, who stood her ground but was still shaken, fearing whatever choice (YN) may take...

Blake: Adam isn't the kind of person too just... give up.
Blake: He is... He has haunted my dreams for years.. Ever since I left him, and now he is back and on our trail...
Yang: I know you may be... feeling horrible, terrible things but please. Try to think rationally..
Blake: He will kill you.. A-and.. I don't want him too...

(YN) hid his head within his helmet, covering his emotions behind Mysterio.

(YN):... Adam is going to die. If not his body, then I'll have his mind.
Blake: N-No...please (YN)..
(YN): Then what ELSE can I do?!

Blake shrunk back as (YN), for the first time, raised his voice at her... it's been years since the last time he raised his voice in general... (YN) sat down on the bunk and held the helmet with his hands, seemingly at an intense loss at what to do...

Adam was stronger. And his will seemed to be enough to persevere through his illusions... Hell, his tricks barely managed to scare Adam, much less stop him... what could he do...

Ruby:...who.. said that you had to do it alone..?
Yang: We aren't going back there. Not again.
Ruby: B-But.. what if we had more people...? More on our side..?
(YN): Like who?..

Ruby looked at her several of contacts and stopped at one, looking towards Yang as she nodded...

Ruby: I-I... have someone in mind..

Meanwhile, back at the White Fang base.

Though Adam has physically recovered from the encounter with Mysterio, his mind and senses didn't seem right. Whatever kind of semblance he may have, it was more then what Emerald had.

Adam sighed and entered a tent, taking his mask off to reveal the several of burns on his face.

He replaced the mask and rested his blade against his throne, sitting down as he tried to calm his mind.

(YN). Even if he wasn't a physical match, he seemed to be a threat within the depths of the mind. He managed to turn a Faunas' surperior senses against them with an illusion and added several more layers to hide himself...

Adam: (YN)(LN)...

Adam was pulled from his thoughts as his tent was opened

Though Adam has physically recovered from the encounter with Mysterio, his mind and senses didn't seem right. Whatever kind of semblance he may have, it was more then what Emerald had.

Adam sighed and entered a tent, taking his mask off to reveal the several of burns on his face.

He replaced the mask and rested his blade against his throne, sitting down as he tried to calm his mind

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He replaced the mask and rested his blade against his throne, sitting down as he tried to calm his mind.

(YN). Even if he wasn't a physical match, he seemed to be a threat within the depths of the mind. He managed to turn a Faunas' surperior senses against them with an illusion and added several more layers to hide himself...

Adam: (YN)(LN)...

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, sighing in frustration as he lowered his head.

Adam: I won't let you, Blake, or anyone stop me. I can't. Not when the future of Faunas is at stake.

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