(M) The Belladonna Family

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Blake's father recognized (YN). So much so, that him and Neo were invited into the house and seated on a cough while Blake's mother and father sat across from them.

Despite what could be mistaken for a calm moment, the air was quite tense as Blake's parents drank the tea that her mother made.

(YN):...so you.. said you knew me..?
"Yes. Word from the white fang is that you were one of the higher ups. And that thanks to you, The White fang gained more dust than they could think of."
(YN): I.. Get the feeling you aren't happy about that..
"You see, I used to lead the White Fang. Of course, since I stepped down, more... Direct faunas have taken charge. Just know that if you cause any suspicion, I will put you down."
Blake: Dad!

The mother flicked Ghira's cheek and sighed as she looked to me and Neo as she used a more gentle tone, repeating what her husband said.

"What my husband was trying to say is: Since he stopped taking charge of the White Fang, its been difficult for people to see the point of the organization. We would just like to know if you have any further relations to the White Fang."
(YN): I broken ties with the White Fang quite awhile ago. I'd rather have nothing to do with them..

Blake's parents looked to their daughter for confirmation and she nodded in response. This seemed to have set the parents at ease as Neo poured her 6th cup of tea.

Blake: I hope you didn't let them in just to interrogate them.
Ghira: I just had to be sure. Ever since the Tauras incident, I have to remain vigilant.
"Vigilant? Or paranoid?"

The mother chuckled softly as Ghira groaned as a response.

(YN): Well.. Lets start over then. I am (YN)(LN). And this is my girlfriend, Neo.

Neo waved as she downed another cup of tea and set her cup down, sighing as she laid back against me, leaning against me for support.

"Ahh. Well, I am Kali Belladonna. This is my husband, Ghira Belladonna."
Ghira: Wait, I thought you and Blake were dating?

Blake spat out her drink and dropped her cup as she looked at her Dad with mixed emotions. Contrary to her reaction, Neo chuckled and I paused.

(YN): Me and Blake are.. Platonic, Mr. Belladonna.
Blake: Thank you! Platonic and nothing more!
Ghira: My mistake, My mistake. Calm down.
Kali: Well, May I ask you two why you came to Menagerie?
(YN): To escape from White Fang and Beacon.. a new start.
Neo: Yeah, is there more tea?
Kali: Of course.

Neo nodded as Kali stood up and ran to grab more tea.

Ghira: Tell me. What exactly brought you to Beacon? You don't seem like a fighter.
(YN): That is because I'm not sir.. I was forced to go...
Blake: Though he was the main reason Beacon was spared any further damage.
Ghira: Oh?
Neo: Yeah. Though, I wouldn't give him too much credit.
(YN): Yeah...
Ghira: And the fall of Beacon. How did it happen?
(YN): Beacon was.. it wasn't ready for a threat. Grimm were summoned and it was destroyed within mere moments...

Slowly nodding, Ghira sat back while Kali returned with another kettle of tea. Neo eagerly drank some while speaking of Beacon in further detail.

Everything from the Whitefang's involvements of the fall.

After some time and the sun began to fall, Ghira guided (YN) and Neo to their own guest room. After getting situated, (YN) retired his old suit and wore now robes that Ghira gave him. (YN) sighed as he brushed his hand towards the worn out suit...

The cape was burned, the armor was damaged, and the cuffs were burnt. Even the helmet had a crack on it.

Neo: (YN)!

A sudden weight was latched onto this boy's back as Neo wrapped her arms around her neck in a gentle, yet secure hold.

(YN): Yes?
Neo: Carry me to the bed!
(YN): You could have walked there, No?
Neo: I could have, but I'd rather have you carry me.

The boy sighed as he carried the smaller girl on his back to the bed.

Most would be surprised about how he managed to not only befriend, but also capture the heart of someone who was once a heartless killer.

Once he laid Neo down on her bed, she smiled up at him and turned over, raising the blanket above herself in a really inviting manner as she smiled softly.

Once he laid Neo down on her bed, she smiled up at him and turned over, raising the blanket above herself in a really inviting manner as she smiled softly

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(YN) blushed softly but rolled his eyes with a small smile as Neo clearly adjusted her close to appear more "inviting". As (YN) laid down next to her, she smiled adjusted her clothing as she held his hand under the blanket.

Neo: We have a new start... Lets make the most of this..
(YN): Hopefully... Perhaps I can go back to preforming?
Neo: And I can be your partner for performances?
(YN): Of course.

Neo smiled and played with her fingers, probably eager to start anew and end her life of an assassin.

I can ensure. We won't waste this new opportunity.

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