(W) To Fight for Yourself

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Weiss shut her door and sighed to herself as she laid down on her bed. It has been a week and though her team was keeping her updated, her father seemed to have grown more and more strict by the day. It has already been around a week and she is already hardly allowed to leave the mansion unless she is surrounded by guards and armed men in the case of any confrontation.

Despite the fact that Whitefang hasn't attacked in awhile, Jacques didn't believe Weiss was able to be out on her own. She would ultimately "Harm herself and cost him money". Every word that he said only made Weiss' blood boil and burn. The once Ice Queen of Beacon. No one would believe that her anger can go to such lengths, yet there she is.

She consistantly checked the facial features of (YN)(LN) and at this point has easily mesmerised his facial features and voice. Her blade has grown cold due to it being out of use in her room. Her father believed that she wasted her time and his money by attending Beacon and apparently will decide what is best for her.

Weiss continued to watch the video she saved up until Ruby has sent her a text message.

Ruby: Ayo! You okay?
Weiss: I have been better. What is new?
Ruby: Nothing really new. Your bed is just as clean as it was when you left. Oh! We have made some friends!
Weiss: Really?
Ruby: Mhmm! Team CMEN.
Weiss:... CMEN?
Ruby: Yea, I don't get it either. Anyways, what are you doing? Do you have anything on (YN)?
Weiss: I know just as much as you three, Ruby.
Ruby: Dang it! Don't worry. We will be able to find something!
Weiss: I'm sure we will. Thank you.
Ruby: Mhm. Anyways, I'll text you later. Yang won't get off me about doing homework.

Weiss responded with a simple "TTYL" as she turned her scroll off. Weiss sighed to herself and got off her bed and headed to the door. She looked back and looked at her sword longingly. She grabbed it by the hilt and ran to the training room-

Until the sudden jingle of a bell came from behind her... as her nerves trembled in her mind, she turned over and turned on her scroll, turning on a sort of recorder.

Jacques: And where do you think you're going?
Weiss:...I'm going.. to train.
Jacques: Train? You aren't in Beacon, Weiss. There is no such need.
Weiss: Regardless... I want to do it as a-
Jacques: I am not interested in what you want, Child. I am going to tell you this once. Give me that rapier. Walk to your room. And await instruction. You will do nothing unless you are told.
Jacques: I am not asking for a Yes or No. I am telling you. Give up your petty dreams and listen to me.
Weiss:... N-No.
Jacques: Excuse me?

Jacques raised the bell and rang it further. Its haunting chim rang through the hall as Weiss lowered her head. Despite her fears, she desperately held her blade and scroll in her hand.

Weiss:... No.
Jacques: Listen here, Brat! I am your father! You live here only because I allow it! You will obey me so long as you live under My roof!
Weiss: This isn't YOUR roof!

A sudden strick stung Weiss on the left cheek and caused her to stagger to  the side as she held her cheek to attempt to sooth the burning sensation from the slap the man gave her.

Jacques: Watch how you speak to me, you foul mouthed brat! I could have you out of this mansion as soon as I demand so!
Weiss: I'd rather be homeless then b-be in this hell!

Another strike hit her harder on the cheek as Weiss fell back on herself. Another slap from the vile man.

Jacques: Then you will be. Guards! Get this Bitch out of my presence, NOW!

As Weiss secured her scroll, he began to ring the bell to get the guards to arrive sooner.

The bell however stopped. A sudden slice caused the ringing to stop and hit the floor as the tip of the rapier tore through the bell and was held to her neck. Jacques raised his head and tried to take a step back, just to be followed by Weiss' cold, hate filled eyes as they stared into his own.

Weiss: I'm leaving. On my own terms.

The guards eventually shown up, but Weiss had already left the mansion. She ran through the people and too a near by police station.

Once she arrived, she shown the authorities the video she had. Evidence of Jacques Schnee being abusive and to an extent, neglectful of his child's wishes. She didn't care. She wanted that man behind bars.

Luckily, a recording can get someone far. Probably far enough to find a criminal with a bubble that Weiss has been urging to Pop.

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