(M/W) Nightmares

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Days have passed since she sent R-BY the video and since then, she has continued to edit and adjust the video to where she can make out Mysterio's face and voice.

After getting assistance from some people that worked for her, she was finally able to see what he looked like under that fish bowl helmet.

He had a (skin color) complexion that matched his (hair length/color) hair fairly well. Though, his hair seemed messy. Barely groomed. His voice wasn't to deep and he looked to be in his upper teens.

Weiss studied his features until she heard a quiet knock come from his door. She groaned and turned her scroll off and put it into her pocket. She opened the door and was bitterly welcomed to her younger brother, Whitely.

Weiss: What do you want?
Whitely: Why, that's no way to talk to your little brother now, is it?
Weiss: What do you want?
Whitely: It isn't what I want, dear sister. Father demands a word with you.
Weiss: And why would that be?
Whitely: Trust me, if I knew, I would have told you.

Weiss rolled her eyes at Whitely's sh*t eating grin as she walked pass him and through the halls. Her once stern and rushed composure began to shrink and fade away as she neared his office.

She clenched her fists as her hands started to shake from fear while she walked closer to the office, feeling the atmosphere once again grow colder with every step she took.

She hesitantly opened the door and was harshly greeted by her father setting the office phone down on his desk as he looked to her with a harsh glare.

Jacques: Weiss.
Weiss: Y-Yes..?
Jacques: It has come to my attention that you left the house without asking or getting approval.
Weiss: Yes.. I-I did.. but I thou-
Jacques: I'm not asking about what you thought.
Weiss: I k-know that..b-
Jacques: You don't know anything if you feel you can leave this mansion without permission. Those bastard animals are clearly out for the Schnee name and I will not allow them to attack you. Do you have any idea what kind of reputation I would get if the world found out that you were attacked under my care? I'd be ruined!

A swift and sudden slap came across Weiss' face, leaving a painful stinging sensation on her cheek as she whimpered in pain from the strike.

Jacques: Have you ever thought about what you could have done? You could have cost me MONEY!

With that, another slap hit her other cheek as Weiss fell back from where she was standing. She looked up with tears threatening to come down from her cheeks. Jacques just remained seated as he sighed.

Jacques: Go back to your room and stay there. Don't let me hear about you leaving here again.

Weiss paused and bit her tongue as she tried to fight back the tears. She left the office and cried as she ran to her room, slamming and locking the door as she gripped her bed sheets.

She had to find Mysterio as soon as possible. She has to take her life back.

She has little go no options left.

Meanwhile, back with the WhiteFang base

After days of experiencing the same nightmares, the anxiety began to show in (YN)'s performance.

While (YN) dodged yet another incoming attack from Neo, he hit her with an illusionary gas. Unfortunately, she just closed her eyes and kicked him in the stomach and hit him to the wall. Before he could recover, Neo held her umbrella to his neck.

Roman: Alright! Alright, enough!

Neo nodded and helped (YN) back up to his feet and dusted him off. Roman walked up to the two and sighed as he adjusted his hat.

Roman: Alright kiddo, what happened? Neo is a great fighter and whatnot, but you last at least a few minutes against her. You barely lasted one whole minute!
(YN): Yea.. sorry, Roman. I just.. I can't focus to well.
Roman: Is it the nightmares?

I sighed and nodded slightly as I sat back on a crate filled with dust. Roman leaned to a nearby wall as Neo sat on the floor in front of us.

Roman took a deep puff of his cigar and sighed in a cloud of smoke.

Roman: I'm not the best the best when it comes to helping others feel good. But I'm going to be 100 with you because I like you. No homo intended.
(YN): ..None taken?
Roman: Good. Now as for your nightmares, that is all they are. Nightmares. They are whatever you make of them.

Roman then took another puff of his cigar before he dropped it on the ground, stomping on it.

Roman: If you are going to let your nightmares haunt you, then they will. But if you treat them like what they are, then they will never bother you.
(YN):...I.. What if I'm not strong enough?
Roman: Don't be stupid, kid. You're strong enough. If you can muster the courage to trash talk Cinder the way you do, then you can brush off your not-so sweet dreams.

Roman then cleared his throat and coughed as he looked back at me.

Roman: Ahem. Look, that may not help, but that's all I got.
(YN): I appreciate it.. Thank you.

Roman nodded and knocked on my helmet as he walked pass me. Neo placed her hand on my arm, catching my attention.

Neo: If you need someone to talk to, I am here. Okay?

The boy nodded as Neo walked pass him and followed after Roman, leaving him alone in his thoughts.

What options does he have? Can he really live the life he has always dreamed of? Or will his past burn by the hand of his "boss"? Or would he get caught by the authorities and be imprisoned?

These thoughts stormed his mind as he lowered his head in his helmet, sighing to himself as he stood up and left to his own room.

Before he could get far, he felt a sudden hand grab him by the shoulder. The hand was soft but had a tight, heated grip...

Cinder: I have a job for you.
(YN):.. Why don't you go and s-
Cinder: (Orphanage Name).
(YN):...what is the job?
Cinder: You will accompany me and others on a new mission. We are going to Beacon academy.

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