(M) The Fang's Return

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Once the teams woke up, everyone was slightly shocked to see that the Grimm, for the most part, were gone. The only trace and clue as to what happened was a giant marking that was placed on a destroyed building...

 The only trace and clue as to what happened was a giant marking that was placed on a destroyed building

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The White Fang... How?

I thought Cinder was the head of the White Fang. Despite not being a faunas herself, she said she created the White Fang. I guess they just moved on with a new objective?

That still doesn't answer what happened... Why did the White Fang kill off the grimm? Did they? Who leads them now?

Blake: Adam...
Weiss: Adam?

Blake took a couple steps back and bumped into Neo, who held her wrist as Yang held her hand.

Yang: You okay?
Blake: I..I-I..

Blake held a look that shown pain. Memories that flooded her mind, each hitting her like a wave of water that grew more and more violent with every movement. Noticing this, Yang's gaze softened and she looked back at the teams.

Yang: Lets head back. This may be a bit much for her.
Weiss:... alright.

Ruby took a picture of the symbol and followed her comrades back to the main building. Once they returned, Yang seated Blake down on her bunk as she sat next to the cat fanaus, allowing Blake to hold her in a tight embrace as her arms shook and ears flattened. Yang held her close. While Yang comforted Blake, Weiss and Ruby stood beside Neo and (YN) to ask questions.

Much to Weiss' disappointment, (YN) and Neo didn't know who this "Adam".

After sometime for Blake to calm down, she hugged her knees and buried her face into her arms while Yang gently petted the back of her head as she gave off a low purr.

Weiss: Who is this "Adam" person?
Blake: Adam is... Well, I-I can assume he is the new leader.. of the White Fang..
(YN): So when Cinder died, he took her place?
Blake: Mhm.. When I was with the fang, we were partners... e-even more than that.. but then the Fang changed.. H-He changed.. He grew more violent towards humans a-and.. and M-Me..

Blake's hand trembled as she began to open up even further to her friends. She told us more about this... Adam Taurus.

Blake: Adam is.. a faunas.. a Bull faunas.. When we met, he was kind to me.. He was my mentor and.. and over time, I grew to like him.. even with all the red flags, I liked him enough to be his lover... but.. b-but he became a monster.. He killed humans that stood in his way, and faunas that didn't agree with him.. I-I was barely fortunate enough to survive his hate...

Blake raised the side of her shirt slightly, causing Neo to cover (YN)'s eyes with her hands.

Despite Blake's skin being pale and smooth, there were several long, deep cuts that had to have been caused by some kind of sword. Judging from the severity of the wounds and how the scarred, Adam had a sort of killer intent when he was hitting and cutting Blake.

Ruby and Weiss just watch as Blake's hands continued to shake, no doubt because she remembered the pain the wounds inflicted. Yang placed her hand on Blake's and nodded, giving Blake the Okay. Blake lowered her shirt and Neo uncovered (YN)'s eyes as Blake curled up again, wrapping her tail around her arm as Yang wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her in a gentle embrace.

Blake: H-He.. was violent... I-I..
Weiss: That's enough, Blake..

Ruby hugged Blake and Yang in a tight embrace. As Blake returned the hug, (YN) leaned back against the wall as he looked at Blake and her team together...

(YN): So now Adam is in charge?
Blake: Mhm...
Neo: How would we find him?

Blake looked towards us and shook her head for a moment, holding Yang within a tighter hug as sighing.

Blake: N-No.. Not now..
Yang: Why not?

Blake then turned to Yang, looking up at her. Dreading her words...

Blake: No.. N-No
Weiss: If he is now the leader of White Fang, and if he is as cruel as you say he is, we have to stop him. As soon as possible.

Blake lowered her head and hidden her face, sighing with a hitched breath. She shook her head again, refusing to tell us anything about Adam's location..

Weiss: So you know where he is?
Blake: H-He told me that.. t-that he will always be where he told m-me he'd be... he was confident I-I'd come back to him...
Yang: and what if you weren't alone?

Yang stood up and held Blake by her hands, helping her to her feet as Yang gave a soft smile as Ruby, Weiss, (YN) and even Neo stood by her side.

Yang: You aren't alone. Not as long as I'm around.
Blake: We.. W-We'll loose..
Yang: Not when we are together.

Blake's expression slowly grew to be even more pessimistic as she grabbed Yang's gauntlets from the bed and gave them to her.

Blake: F-Fine... but.. At the first sign of D-danger...

Blake took another shaky breath as she looked Yang in her eyes, her own amber eyes slightly reddened from tears.

Blake: You see h-him.. Hide.. Don't go after him a-alone...
Yang: Of course.
Blake: No. I need y-you to promise me..
Yang: Blake. I-
Blake: Promise. Me... Please..

Yang's eyes softened and after a brief pause, the blond nodded. Understanding that if the team isn't careful, this would be a one way trip...

Yang: I promise... I won't go in alone..

Blake nodded and hugged her tightly, burying her face into Yang's shoulder. Ruby smiled and snuck in another picture as Weiss gave in to the moment and turned to Ruby.

Weiss: I want you to make me the same promise, dunce.
Ruby: Weiss. We're BFFFFs. Of course I promise!
Neo: BFFFFs?
Weiss/Ruby: Best Frosty Flower Friends Forever.

Weiss tensed up as she spurted out the meaning on instinct. Unfortunately for her, that didn't go without Ruby's notice.

The Red Reaper squealed happily and hugged Weiss in a painfully tight hug, lifting the Heiress up from the hug ad Blake and Yang chuckled at the display of friendship. Though, Weiss did try to pry herself free from the hug.

Though once she did get freed, she glared at Ruby, causing her to divert her eyes nervously. Weiss then hugged Ruby gently, in which Ruby hesitantly returned.

Weiss: We talked about that.
Ruby: Y-Yeah..! Sorry..

Yang ruffled Ruby's hair and held Weiss in a headlock as she grinned. Blake crossed her arms as Neo and (YN) stood beside Blake. The six huntsmen extended their hands together, telling each other to be alert, and never be alone.

Adam Taurus wasn't going to be someone to take lightly.

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