(W) An Unwanted Turn

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Back at Beacon, RWBY just sat into their Grimm studies class. This time, they were learning more about a famed and dangerous grimm known as the Sea Feilong.

The Sea Feilong is a large serpent-like grimm that lived in the deep ocean.

Just one of these mighty Grimm can take out most of the Atlas army and devastate the lands

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Just one of these mighty Grimm can take out most of the Atlas army and devastate the lands. They are one if the main reasons for the lose and disappearances of several ships that went out to sea. With their wings that they hide by their fin, they can take flight at breath taking speeds and with its lightening breath, even professional hunters fear this grimm.

Despite this very vital lesson, RWBY didn't seem that interested.

Ruby was drawing random hats and cardboard weapons for Zwei to use so he can look even more awesome then he currently does.
Weiss struggled to even stay up long enough to pay attention to her team, let alone the lesson.
Blake was seemingly the only one that was taking any notes of this dangerous, haunting grimm.
And Yang was just fantasizing about fighting this sea-based monster and punching it from the ground, forcing it to the ground.

As Weiss tapped her pencil against her desk, a sudden announcement erupted through out the class, catching the attention of the students.

It was already weird that Ozpin was giving an announcement in the middle of the day, but it was weirder when Weiss' name was called to the headmaster's office.

Ruby: Are... Are you in trouble Weiss?
Weiss: I doubt it
Blake: Maybe it's your school work? Either way, Go on ahead. I'll take extra notes for you

Weiss nodded and stood up and gave her team a small bow. She then ran out of the class and towards the headmaster's office.

Once Weiss finally made it to the office, she was shocked to see her older sister, Winter Schnee, also in the office.

Weiss: Winter!

All the exhaustion that Weiss was feeling up to that point immediately faded to nothing as she hugged her sister. Winter merely gave her a gentle, playful push away as she cleared her throat while she gestured to Ozpin.

Ozpin: I'm glad to see that you're feeling better, Miss. Schnee
Weiss: Uh.. Yea. Better
Ozpin: Yes. Now, Go to your dorm and pack your things. Your sister is here to pick you up by your father's request.
Ozpin: You're going home, Weiss.

Weiss's face grew paler as she took a step back. Was she hearing right?

Weiss: but... I-I'm still a student here... r-right Headmaster..?
Ozpin: I'm afraid to say no. I apologize, but your father has withdrawn you from Beacon... I will call your friends here for you to say your goodbyes.

Weiss didn't even let Ozpin finish before she fell to her knees, tears threatening to spill from here eyes.

She was no longer a huntress in training... Why? Why her? Why did her father take her from this? Being a huntress was going to be her way of proving to Jacques that he couldn't control her, but he just stole that away from her. And now she is being excused from Beacon and forced to go back home...

Ozpin: I know it may be difficult. But just know that when you can, you will always be welcomed back to Beacon academy. It has been an honor to have you as a student.
Weiss: C-can't you do anything? I-I can't just give this up! There has t-to be a different way..
Ozpin: I'm sorry. But there isn't much I can do when a parent wishes to not allow their student on school. Your father officiated everything... Goodbye, Miss. Schnee.

Weiss' eyes widened and she clenched her fists. She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded, leaving the office without a word.

Everything was packed. Everything was loaded into the bullhead and Winter was waiting for her sister.

R-BY and JNPR waited outside the Beacon gates to say goodbye to their friend..

Weiss gave Jaune a side-hug.
Gave Nora a tight hug that hurt her more then it hurt Nora
Gave Pyrrha and Ren a normal, caring hug.

Ruby gave Weiss her *Best Friends Forever* shirt with a poorly drawn Weiss and Ruby on it. Normally Weiss would groan and discard it, but she instead clenched the shirt in her hands and hugged Ruby tightly, sighing softly.

Weiss: You... You were like a little sister..
Ruby: Yea.. I'll send you videos of Zwei getting stuck..
Weiss: Dolt... You better..

Weiss sniffled and smiled softly as she turned over to Blake, who for once didn't have her bow covering her cat ears.

Weiss: You changed how I see faunas... Thank you for that..
Blake: Just be sure to try and come back soon.. I don't think I can handle Ruby and Yang's crazy on my own

Weiss rolled her eyes and hugged Blake and gently scratched behind her ears, earning a small, silent purr from Blake.

As soon as she released Blake, she was immediately pulled into a bone crushing hug by Yang.

Weiss: ACK-!
Yang: At least we have each other's contact information. We can call and organize visits!
Weiss: Y-Yeagh- LEt me GO!-

Yang chuckled and let the Ice Queen out of the lung breaking hug, leaving Weiss panting and coughing. Yang then hugged Weiss in a more gentle hold in which Weiss returned.

Yang: You better not get too cold on us. You're *Weiss enough as it is.
Weiss: Har Har...I liked that one..

After everything was said and done, Weiss went into the Bullhead with her sister, looking back through a window to see all of her friends waving and shouting their goodbyes. Weiss placed a hand onto the window as the bullhead took off, taking her home.

Once she was far from Beacon, she turned to her sister, who sat across from her and also met her gaze.

Winter: Are you okay, Weiss?
Weiss:... No

Winter nodded and Weiss hugged her sister tightly as she silently cried into her shoulder, finally letting her tears out.

Weiss: I-I hate h-him! Hate h-him!
Winter: I know, I know... But once you become the head of the company, you can undo what he has done..
Weiss: H-He is ruining my LiFE!

Winter continued to comfort her little sister for hours as they drew closer to home...

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