(M) Contacts and Atlas

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Ruby Rose returned to the room. Obviously, her optimism clashed significantly against the negativity that roamed around the room. Looking over to Yang, Ruby nodded and Yang crossed her arms as she cleared her throat and gained everyone's attention.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow is... on the way here..
Weiss:... Your Uncle?! That DUNCE!
(YN): Who is he?
Yang: Legendary Huntsman that helped train me and Ruby when we were younger. Qrow Branwen? Seriously doesn't ring any bells?
(YN): I can honestly say that I have no idea who he is. So long as he can help, I don't care.
Ruby: He will. He's awesome..!
Yang: I'm sure he can manage.
Weiss: If that's the case, then I'll call Winter. We will need as much help as we can manage.
Blake: That..wouldn't be the best idea..
Weiss: What? In what world is Qrow a better choice then MY sister?

Blake then motioned towards (YN), who was still struggling with the past that he can't accept... Weiss sighed and nodded softly before crossing her arms.

Weiss: We're still going to need weapon upgrades.
Yang: What? Why?
Weiss: Because we barely managed to loose without too many..uh... casualties. I don't think your Uncle can defend all while fighting..
Ruby: You'd be surprised-... Actually, Yeah. We need more weapons.
Yang: What? But Q-

Ruby then grabbed Yang and whispered something into her ear something along the line of "Weapons." And Ruby's inclination for them. Yang nodded and sighed, turning to Weiss.

Yang: Can you get us to Atlas so that we can get Schnee-branded weapons?
Weiss:... Why?
Yang: Because we need the best of the best for this fight. Otherwise, We might loose.
Ruby: And you taught me to take any advantage you can possibly get! Even if it's artificial!
Weiss: Except?
Ruby: Except Drugs. I know! But we need more arms.

Weiss sighed and shook her head, looking down at the floor. At first, she was going to quickly deny their request but whether Weiss liked it or not, the sisters had a point.

Then she caught a glimpse of (YN), who Blake was attempting to comfort. His head was again concealed within the helmet of Mysterio and she gave in.

Weiss:...fine.. but none of you will do Anything without my say so! Atlas, especially around the Schnee family, is very strict. You will all follow MY lead.
Ruby: Is this your own excuse to be leader of our group? Because "WRBY+M" doesn't roll off the tongue in the same way.
Weiss: N-No...we can have a different name.. but That isn't the idea! We need to be careful when we enter. Knowing my sister, she is on high alert. We can't let her notice (YN).
Yang: Can't he just.. Abra-Kadabra his way there? Or turn invisible? Nullify his ability to be tracked?
Weiss: Winter is  Trained. I wouldn't rely too much on (YN)'s semblance.
Yang: Hmm. Well, what can we do?
Weiss: We'll have to figure that out soon.. C'mon. Lets catch a bullhead to Atlas.

And with that, RWBY and (YN) headed towards Atlas. While on the way, they tried to plan out everything that could possibly happen while there.

Unaware of the Crow and Raven that followed them from above...

Within the White Fang camps, Emerald had recovered completely from the battle and was now walking beside Adam as he ordered soldiers to take precaution with the next attack.

Adam planned to attack (YN) and the others exactly where their base was.

Unbeknownst to them, they left days ago.

As Adam gave the order for soldiers to move, Emerald was having a conflict within herself... About what they said about Cinder..

"(YN): She died. Died from the Grimm infection!"...

"Neo: She also said she would do whatever it took!"...

Cinder was a woman of convictions... everything she did, she did for a reason.. much like Adam.

She shook her head and looked over to Adam while commanded more faunas to gather weapons for the attack...

Emerald: Adam..
Adam: Yes?
Emerald:.. It's about Cinder...
Adam: What of her?
Emerald: Do you really think she's... dead?

Adam paused for a moment. A brief, but noticable pause. He turned over to Emerald and shook his head as he crossed his arms behind his back.

Adam: She must have. Cinder wasn't a woman that would just go back on her word.
Emerald: So..she really died..
Adam: She died for a cause she believed in. A martyr. May some of us be as fortunate to die for something we believe in.
Emerald: B..But-
Adam: Move on!

Emerald was cut off by Adam as he carried out more orders.

A natural leader. Someone who will stop at nothing to fight for their beliefs... Adam Taurus. A solider on a mission...

(YN) will need lots of help...

Emerald nodded softly as she turned away, now unsure of how too see this situation...

As she walked back into her tent, she set her weapons down and sat down, thinking to herself...

With Cinder, Emerald was completely willing to die for her. To obey and do whatever was necessary... but with Adam, it felt different... like as if he didn't completely understand what he was getting into...

Well, Time will tell... until then, it's smartest to maintain the allies she has now.. Right?

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