(M) Voices

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Just a few days after the fight, (YN) was once again being trained by Neo and even Roman chose to engage on the training. Roman shot at me with his cane and I vanished from sight and appeared behind him but before I could do anything, Neo kicked me away and into a crate.

Roman: (YN), you have to keep an eye on both enemies. If you keep yourself too open, then people wi-AGH

Suddenly, (YN) blasted Roman's back and caught Neo in a cloud of dense fog.

(YN): I know, I know. But you're all criminals who have years, maybe decades of experience. I'm not so dumb that I would challenge any of you without making sure you're all seeing an illusion.

Roman turned over and rubbed his back with a cane as he looked over at the young man.

Roman: Pfft. Takes one to know one. I'll admit that I can respect your "one step ahead" plan, but that might not work.

(YN) merely lowered his head slightly as Neo was freed from the fog. He merely sighed slightly and raised his head to the two partners.

(YN): I.. I've told you. I refuse to physically harm anyone. Bad or Good, that doesn't justify hitting them.
Roman: and yet you're okay with shooting smoke beams mind fucking?
(YN): That's an exaggeration.. My illusions are based off how I feel. The more negative I feel, the weaker it is. That's why my "smoke beams" didn't hurt you.

Roman just scoffed and stood up while he brushed himself off.

Roman: Sure. And let me guess, you would feel bad about hurting me, so the attack was weak? Pfft.

Neo just hit Roman's side and as I turned my head to the side.

(YN): well... Yea. You and Neo are the only ones who actually look at me like a human... you enjoy my illusions and try and push me to be better...
Roman: And that makes you not wanna hurt us? In our line of work, you may just have too.
(YN):...No. I know I can find a different way. One where no one will have to be hurt.

Roman merely let out a chuckle as he walked past (YN) and placed his hand onto his shoulder.

Roman: So, what? You rob the Schnee company and then try to play a good guy? You're one giant contradiction at this point.

(YN) looked over at Roman with his helmet covering his face from his gaze.

(YN): Mysterio is the one that does the crime... I'm just trying to find my way in life..

Roman just looked down at the boy like as if he didn't hear him right. He let out a half smile and turned to face (YN) and raised his hat.

Roman: That... isn't how it works. At all.
(YN): Well... It helps me sleep at night..
Roman: Yea, Sure. But a little reality check. If you get caught as (YN), Mysterio, or otherwise, they won't care about how well you sleep.

(YN) lowered his head and nodded as Roman walked out of the warehouse. Once he left, (YN) sulked by a near by crate while Neo took a seat next to him. As she took a deep breath, she looked at the young boy like she wanted to say something, but bit her lip and merely placed her hand on his shoulder, smiling softly as he turned his masked face towards her.

(YN):...you can at least understand..right?

Neo shrugged and nodded, showing that too a degree, she indeed understood. (YN) leaned back in took his helmet off, sighing softly as he ran a gloved hand through his hair.

(YN): I don't want to be a criminal.. My dreams were to be a star. The only reason I even took Roman's first offer was so I can at least have some money so I can try to make myself look better..

Neo paused and nodded again, gently tightening his shoulder as he vented.

(YN): but now I'm forced to steal and hurt people..

Neo turned over and sighed audibly, holding her umbrella as she mumbled quietly to herself.

Neo: Honestly, that's...sorta how we all came together.. Roman, Emerald, Myself, even Mercury didn't want the violence...

(YN) looked over at Neo with a surprised look as she spoke softly. Neo looked up at him and raised a brow.

(YN): you...just talked..
Neo: Of course I did. Just never felt the need too.

They both stared at each other for a moment before (YN) sighed and stood up.

(YN): Not really sure why you never talked to me before. But I guess better late then never.
Neo: I never really respected you until now. Not even enough to bother talking to you.
(YN): And what made you change your mind? Why should I care enough to talk back to you?

Neo merely shrugged and used her umbrella to poke at the ground in front of her.

Neo: When I first met you, you were weak. A coward. Even with your semblance, it seemed like you could be beaten with a mere kick.
(YN): You thought I was weak? Well, then why care enough to actually train me?
Neo: Who said I wanted too? Roman's my boss. I have to do what he says. Granted, after a week or two, you started improving. You finally started using that brain you got inside that bowl head of yours.

Neo let out a quiet chuckle as she poked at the glass helmet that (YN) removed.

Neo: You got smarter with your semblance. You even beat me and Roman a few times with your planning. That, and you stepped up to Cinder and even criticized her to her face.
(YN): Doesn't Roman make fun of her?
Neo: Never to her face.

As Neo spoke she got up and used her umbrella as support. She looked back at (YN) and let out a small smile.

Neo: You have guts. Respectable, but stupid. Seeya, 'Mysterio'

Neo then walked in Roman's direction as (YN) stood up shortly after, thinking of Neo's words.

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