(W) Home, Bitter Sweet Home

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Once Weiss returned to the Schnee mansion, she was immediately reminded of the feeling that she was dreading in the back of her head.

The cold. The loneliness that she had to go through in this house. What was once her family's home, is now just a hallow shell of itself. Several Maids and Butlers came to the front door and took my bags and took them to my room, Weiss assumed they were just obeying given orders. She looked up at Winter and she placed a gentle hand onto her shoulder.

Winter: If it becomes too much for you, You can leave. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
Weiss: Th..Thank you Winter..

Weiss sighed softly as the two sisters headed down the main hall and towards their father's room. As they drew closer, the hall felt more empty. More lifeless. As though something was draining the once happy memory filled home of all of its happiness and all of its emotion. Like a free animal, now beaten and caged. Contained and no longer allowed to enjoy what life it may have had.

Once they were outside the door, Yelling could be heard from inside. Jacques' yelling. Weiss reached for the door and hesitated to open as she looked up at Winter, pleading that they turn and leave this horrid and decaying home.

Winter looked down and shook her head as she herself opened the door, muttering an apology as the yelling came out even louder as their false-father screamed into the phone.

Jacques: What do you mean you don't have any more information on the robbery?! Then review the footage and GET ME MY MONEY BACK!

He slammed the phone onto his desk in anger and turned over to the girls while he killed off his anger, hiding it under a facade. He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie to allow his neck more space for him to breathe.

Jacques: I'm... Sure you two have heard about the white fang robberies.
Winter: Yes, Jacques.

Weiss merely nodded as he walked past them and crossed his hands behind his back.

Jacques: I'm also sure you two have heard about that "Mysterio" figure assisting the white fang. Too think. A human helping a bunch of disgusting animals. I'd hope that at least some people would think twice before even touching those horrid creatures.
Winter: The Mysterio criminal seemed to be capable of shifting and manipulating senses and even reality to a small extent.
Jacques: And I thought you were guarding one of our locations. Under your care, we have lost not just dust, but even money.

Weiss kept her head lowered and shuddered as she heard a loud *SLAP* echo throughout the room. Weiss turned her head up and saw Jacques with his hand raised and Winter's heard turned away as her cheek stung in pain from the slap he gave her. Weiss clenched her fist as Jacques turned his back on the two.

Jacques: Children. Neither of you do anything right, at least Whitely tries to succeed. Instead, I have a soldier that can't even defeat a nobody, and A wanna-be huntress that can't even stay in line. Pathetic.

Weiss gritted her teeth and clenched her fists as Winter merely shrugged off the slap.

Jacques: I want you two to remain here. Within the mansion. I'm not going to risk any of you getting abducted by those filthy vermin and becoming hostages.

Hostages? Weiss knew for a fact that she was safe within Beacon. With her friends. She was arguably the best student in her year and yet she was pulled out because her father thinks she can't defend herself?!

Weiss was about to yell but Winter raised her arm in the way of her, shaking her head as they turned from him.

Jacques: Damn Children. Go to your rooms!

By the time he turned around, the girls were already gone.

As Weiss gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, she paced around her room. She dug her hands into her hair and groaned as she fell onto her bed and glared at her sheets. She reached and grabbed her scroll and turned it on to see that she has gotten several of text messages from her friends back at Beacon.

Ruby sent her videos, Yang and Blake sent her well wishes, Pyrrha sent her a vide of Ruby making another friendship sweater for her, and Nora sent a video of Jaune texting the wrong number.

The messages made Weiss... feel missed. They really did love her there. And as harsh and cold as she may act, she loved being there too...

She played a video of Ruby making a sweater and was welcomed by Ruby scribbling and drawing herself and Weiss with the title "BFFFF" which apparently stood for "Best Frosty Flower Friends Forever"

She played a video of Ruby making a sweater and was welcomed by Ruby scribbling and drawing herself and Weiss with the title "BFFFF" which apparently stood for "Best Frosty Flower Friends Forever"

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The drawing made Weiss smile softly as her former team goofed off... she already missed hearing them yell and run around.

As irritating as it may have been, she missed being on that team.

A small tear fell from her face as she turned if off and she buried her face into her pillow, crying silently into her bed as she held her stomach, missing the feeling of being around people who actually cared.

As far as she knew, Winter was the only one that she can consider family. And even she isn't around that often. Beacon made her feel like she belonged... RWBY, made her feel like she had a family.

But now it was ruined. And with it, her dream of being a huntress.

She turned her scroll on again and looked up recent news reports and saw the one that was responsible for this ruin...

(YN)(LN). The Mysterio menace...

Weiss: Count your days of freedom while they last...because I'm bringing you in and taking my life back.

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