For the Glory

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Adam looked over to see a large stage... (YN). Adam reached for his blade as soldiers stared in confusion.

Adam: At my position! Aim.

The soldiers nodded and took aim at the stage, firing multiple rockets and bullets towards it.

Much to the surprise of the soldiers, the stage began to unravel and the curtains began to form a cape behind a figure that was surrounded by a green cloud...

Much to the surprise of the soldiers, the stage began to unravel and the curtains began to form a cape behind a figure that was surrounded by a green cloud

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Adam: (YN). I knew you'd be here!
(YN): And that prediction will be something you regret.

The cloud suddenly fired a violent storm of lightening at the Fang. Adam deflected most of them with his blade while the soldiers took cover.

Adam: You are out numbered. Dangerously so.
(YN): If I cared, I wouldn't be here.

(YN), in a sudden flash, flew straight towards Adam and tackled him down as he flew back to the skies. Adam growled and stood back up as (YN)'s hands glowed a deep green.

(YN): NOW!

Suddenly, Yang appeared from seemingly nowhere and punched Adam across the face as Blake sliced at his legs. Yang reloaded her weapons ad Blake stood by her side.

While the two had their rematch against Adam, Ruby and Weiss both fought against the soldiers. While Weiss easily took down the soldiers, Ruby was thrown into her by Emerald.

As Ruby tried to stand her ground, Weiss used her blade's guard to prevent Emerald from lashing out any cuts. Ruby swung her scythe, forcing Emerald to dodge under it and kick Weiss in the stomach as she went in to jab at Ruby.

When suddenly... a Crow came in and blocked the incoming attack.

 a Crow came in and blocked the incoming attack

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Ruby: Uncle Qrow..
Qrow: Heya Kid.

The man turned around and began to attack Emerald, who narrowly and barely dodged the attacks from the legendary huntsman. As Ruby smirked back at Weiss, the heiress rolled her eyes.

Ruby: My Uncle is better.
Weiss: Winter would win. Any day.

Before the two could chuckle, Ruby dodged an incoming shot from a soldier. Ruby and Weiss both worked together to fight off against the soldiers while Qrow made quick and easy work of Emerald.

As Qrow turned away from Emerald, she winced and attempted to claw her way back to the fight. Winter stood before him, defeating a group of soldiers until he caught her attention.

Winter: You.
Qrow: Me.
Winter: Just still your tongue and we won't have an issue.
Qrow: Fine, Fine FrostQueen.

Winter glared at the man, who already dashed passed her to continue the fight against the several soldiers.

As Yang narrowly dodged an incoming attack from Adam, she was kicked in the chin and punched in the face from the faunus as Blake's ribbon wrapped around Adam's wrist. As Blake tugged on it, Adam stared at her in anger and disbelief.

Blake: Adam, Please! Surrender and we can find a way to work this out!
Adam: There IS no other way!

Adam grabbed Blake's ribbon and threw her at Yang, causing both of them to fall down as Adam raised his blade at the two. His blade glowed a deep red as Blake stared up at Adam, who glared back down at Blake with what could only be described as...


Blake: Adam...
Adam: I once believed you were on my side, Blake. That you would stay by me and never go. I guess you could only run, and break promises.
Blake: B-Because of the violence..! It doesn't have to-

Adam suddenly landed a swift kick towards Blake, forcing her from Yang as he held the blade to the Blondes neck, stepping on her wrist to hold it down, though Yang didn't give much of a pained reaction due to a faint green hue.

Adam: That doesn't matter anymore. I now know my purpose. The Fang will teach humans to respect Faunus. With, or without you.
Blake: No..

Yang's other arm suddenly shot up and grabbed Adam's blade. Though the blade, unbeknownst to Yang, only got stronger, Yang blasted Adam off of her with a shotgun blast as Blake rushed to her side. Adam held his stomach as his immense aura healed him of his wounds, though it wouldn't be able to take a hit like that again.

Adam growled under his breath and readied his blade. Suddenly, all of his red highlights glowed a deep red. At the sight of this, Blake's ears folded back as dread began to freeze her in place.

Blake: Y-Yang.. RUN!
Yang: Wha-

A sudden flash of red enveloped the two as they were both forced back from Adam's semblance. As Adam put his blade back into its sheath, he walked away as two distinct red cuts sliced their way onto Yang and Blake, causing them both to pass out almost immediately...

If it weren't for their Aura... they would have died. A violent death by the hand of Adam Taurus...

Adam set his sights on his next targets. The Heiress.

Weiss was suddenly shot back as Adam's blade clashed with Weiss' guard. She gritted and winced as the blade only grew more brighter until Adam was swept away by Crescent Rose. Ruby helped her partner up as she tried to snipe at Adam, who merely allowed his blade to gather damage.

Weiss: Don't! Stop, No more Dust!
Ruby: Wha? Why?
Weiss: His blade. It's a special kind of Dust that absorbs dust! We need to get in close.
Ruby: Right!

Adam scoffed and mumbled "Children" under his breath ad Ruby used her semblance, slowly being enhanced by Weiss' glyphs as she surrounded Adam with almost blinding speeds.

Adam: Speed alone won't stop me.
Ruby: KYAH!

Ruby's scythe suddenly clashed against Adam's blade. However, with Adam being far stronger then Ruby, he grabbed Crescent Rose by the blade and tossed it far off, kicking Ruby away from the weapon. Ruby, in a panic, dashed towards her weapon but was tripped by Adam as he grabbed her by the back of her cape, causing her to fall to the floor.

Before Ruby could get up, Adam stepped on her back and wrapped the cape around her neck, choking her with her own cape.

Adam: A mere pest. You truly think that you can be a Hero? You're just as reckless as the bubble headed buffoon you side with. And even he has abandoned you all in your most desperate hours.

The hold of Ruby's cape grew tighter around her neck, causing her to choke out a gasp until Adam was suddenly knocked far away from Ruby, allowing to her cough heavily and regain her breath.

Weiss: Are you okay?
Ruby: Jus... Urgh...
Weiss: Try to regain your breath. I'll keep him busy.
Ruby: Mm..Hm..

Ruby coughed heavily and panted as Weiss stood up and prepared her glyphs to assist her. Suddenly, several platforms appeared from a green mist..

(YN) never abandoned them... he has been manipulating the whole battle...

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