Old Bones

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Sitting at her desk, Holly laid her head down with a soft groan, closing her eyes

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Sitting at her desk, Holly laid her head down with a soft groan, closing her eyes. It had been a bad day from the time she woke up, and there was no sign it was gonna get better. She had finally gotten a new place, but it was more than she had wanted to spend; she had a couple of hospital bills to pay for her parents; she had to pay to have her parents' ashes to be shipped to her and the urns that she wanted for them; she had bills to pay and she had to get her car fixed. She was so broke that she'd had to ask Gemma for a couple hundred dollars so she could go grocery shopping the previous day. She hadn't told Jax about it since her whiskey-fueled break down had him watching her as closely as he could without driving her completely insane. She had a headache and she was so ready to go home and take a bubble bath. She was so looking forward to her next paycheck. She desperately needed money.

"Baby? Are you ok?"

She looked up when she heard Jax's voice.

"Hey. Yeah, I'm fine. I have a headache that I can't shake. What's up, babe?"
"Clay sent me for a favor."
"You don't even know what it is."
"What is it?"
"We need money to get us flush with the Irish."
"Why not?"
"I don't have any money. And by any, I mean absolutely none. All of my money's gone."
"How is that even possible?"
"I got a new house, I'm getting my car fixed, my parents' ashes are getting shipped here, I had bills to pay for the house and hospital bills. I had to borrow money so I could go grocery shopping last night. I have no money to give you."
"Why didn't you tell me you were having money issues? I would've helped you."
"I know you would've. But I didn't want you to. You've been bailing me out since we were kids. I don't wanna always rely on you, Jax. I wanna know that I can stand on my own two feet from time to time. This is just one bad instance."

He sighed and shook his head, watching her drink some of her tea.

"Alright. But next time, don't be stubborn and say something to someone?"
"I did say something this time. To Gemma."
"You know what I mean."
"Jax, the club is going through some money troubles, I'm not gonna add more. But I'll be fine. I just have to wait for my next paycheck."
"And your headache?"
"Nothing a bubble bath, a glass of wine, some good music and a night with my vibrator can't cure."
"Sounds like a good night. Care for some company?"
"Nope. No boys allowed. Sorry, babe."

She gave him a playful smile before getting up to kiss him softly, leaning into him, taking in the scent she loved so much. Weed, Old Spice, leather, cigarettes, and motor oil. A weird combo to anyone else, but it was heaven to her. It was home.

Holly walked into Jax's house with Gemma, both of them coming to drop stuff off for Abel and Jax

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Holly walked into Jax's house with Gemma, both of them coming to drop stuff off for Abel and Jax. She put the few groceries away before going to help stock up the nursery. When she saw the damage, she gasped as she looked around. The two most disturbing things were the picture collage on the wall, the one that her eyes landed on was a picture of her and Jax having sex in his room, and the puddle of piss that Gemma had just stepped in.

"Holy shit. That's disgusting. Who would do such a thing?"
"Kohn. That agent that's been coming around."
"The guy or the bitch?"
"You really think a woman would be so heartless as to destroy a baby's nursery? Or take the time squat down and piss on the carpet?"

She watched Gemma go out to call Jax while she took pictures of the damage. She wouldn't put up with anyone harming her family in any way, shape or form. She wanted to nail this guy and get him out of her town. She called Hale.

"Do you have any proof that it was Kohn?"
"Will you just get your ass down here, Hale? You're a cop. Not an intern getting coffee. Someone, most likely Kohn, broke into Jax's house, destroyed his son's nursery, defaced his pictures and pissed on the carpet and you're gonna ask me stupid questions over the phone? He stalked Tara and emailed me those gross pictures. What isn't this monster capable of?"
"Alright. I'm coming. But next time? Don't yell at me. Not the best way to get a police officer to do what you want them to do."

She let out a huff and hung up on him, going out to sit next to Gemma, who was wiping off her shoes.

"Hale's on his way. What did Jax say?"
"He's pissed."
"I'll bet. I am too. I hate this asshole."
"He's on his way."

Both women turned their heads when they heard Jax's bike pull in.


Holly stood up as Jax came in, following him to Abel's nursery.

"I'm getting tired of seeing pictures of us like that, Jax. He's stalking Tara and it seems like he's starting in on me. I want this guy gone."
"This asshole's dead."

She followed him out to his bike.

"Let me come."
"No. I don't tell you to stay put very often cause I know it won't work. But you need to listen this time. I don't want you around this guy anymore. You hear me?"

She frowned but nodded, kissing him softly.

"You be careful, ok? This guy is psychotic."
"I will. I'll send the prospect to clean the house."
"I'll help your mom with it. You know she won't let the prospect do it alone."
"I thought you were gonna go back to work?"
"Not now. You go take care of this. I love you."
"Love you too."

Holly let Jax into her house, locking the door behind him

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Holly let Jax into her house, locking the door behind him. He called her asking if he could stay with her for the night. It had been a long day for both of them and they both just needed each other. She grabbed them both a beer, sitting down with him on the couch, leaning into him.

"How's your leg?"
"It doesn't hurt as much and they didn't go in too far. I'll be fine. How about you?"
"I'm ok. I'm glad the day's over and Kohn's gone. That man freaks me out."

He nodded, pulling her in for a kiss, holding her close and taking care to not hit his leg. She melted into him, her arm wrapping around him. She pulled away for a second and put their beers on the table before pulling him into her bedroom. She didn't necessarily want sex. She wanted to be alone with him in the silence and darkness. She wanted to feel something besides scared. She wanted to feel safe.

"I don't want to do anything but cuddle with you. I wanna fall asleep in your arms with nothing on. I want us to be alone."
"We are alone, babe."
"No, we're not. We haven't been since Kohn came into town. And there's no such thing as alone with the club. But, just for tonight, I want to have you all to myself."

The tears swimming in her eyes had Jax pulling Holly into him and turning off his phone. She let him help her get her clothes off, helping him with his before climbing into bed with him and curling into him, laying her head on his chest. With each beat of his heart, she let her thoughts leave her head, however temporary a solution. The sound lulling her to sleep.  

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