Authority Vested

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Holly sighed in frustration as her car broke down, putting her head on the steering wheel

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Holly sighed in frustration as her car broke down, putting her head on the steering wheel. She was on her way home from work when she noticed that her car was going slowly. She'd hoped that she could make it to the garage, but she wasn't that lucky. It didn't help that her phone had died because she forgot to charge it the night before. She took a deep breath before grabbing her stuff, putting as much in her purse as she could, grabbing her keys and getting out of the car, locking it. She looked at the building she'd broken down in front of. Diosa International. She walked inside and went up to the desk, looking at the older woman behind the desk.

"Can I help you, ma'am?"
"I was hoping to use your phone. My car broke down outside and my phone's dead. My fiance runs a garage and I need to call him."
"Go ahead."
"Thank you."

She moved over to the side, pulling the phone over with her a bit, dialing Jax's number, waiting for him to pick up.

"Jax, it's me."
"Holly? Why aren't you using your phone?"
"The car broke down and my phone died a few hours ago. Can you come get me?"
"Yeah. where are you?"
"Some place called Diosa International."

She gave him the address from a business card she picked up from a container on the desk.

"Alright, babe. I'll come get you. Stay there, ok?"
"I will. Will you get someone to relieve Jessica? I was supposed to go home to relieve her and she has an appointment."
"I'll send mom over."

She looked in surprise when she saw Gemma come out of some guy's room with him.

"Um....How about Mallory? I don't think she's doing anything today."
"Are you and mom fighting again?"
"We're always fighting, but that's not why I'm asking for Mallory."
"Alright. We'll talk when I get there."
"Love you, baby."
"Love you too, darlin'."

She hung up and looked over at Gemma, whistling to get her attention.

"Holly? What the hell are you doing here?"
"My car broke down and my phone's dead. What are you doing here?"
"None of your damn business."
"It is my damn business when I had to call Jax to get him to get someone over to the house to watch the kids cause Jessica has somewhere she needs to be and he wants to call you."
"Shit. I'll go now."
"No, you won't. I'm having him call Mallory. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you don't want him to know that you're sleeping with some Mexican guy in an escort service."
"Actually, I run this place."

She looked at the guy and nodded.

"Sorry. I meant no offense. It's been a bad day from start to finish and now seeing my old man's mother in an escort service is a little shocking. I'm Holly Pavlov."
"Naive bitch, is more like it."
"Bite me, bitch. You're already on thin ice. You really wanna antagonize me? Knowing what's at stake?"

She watched Gemma back off, listening to her grumble as she walked away. She looked back at the guy.

"Holly Pavlov."
"Nero Padilla. It's nice to meet you, chiquita."
"You too. So you run this place? Gotta be nice surrounding yourself with cute girls. Although, some of them look pretty young."
"Everyone here's overage and I don't sleep with the employees. I prefer relationships over one night stands."
"Word of advice? Don't get attached to Gemma Teller. She has a habit of hurting the people she claims to love and care about and manipulate them."
"Sounds like there's a bit of bad blood between you two."
"That's being incredibly kind. She might be my fiance's mother, but there's a lot of love lost between the two of us."
"Do you want some coffee while you wait, chiquita? Or some water? It's a pretty hot day."
"Water would be perfect, thank you."
"Ok. Come on."

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