To Thine Own Self

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Holly walked into Diosa with the kids, coming by to pick up Opie

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Holly walked into Diosa with the kids, coming by to pick up Opie. He and Lyla were doing better and Lyla was even expecting their first baby together. Diosa Norte was doing its opening that night and she was excited for it. She looked over when she saw Nero come over to her, giving him a hug.

"Hey, papi. The place is looking amazing."
"Thank you. I wish I could say the same for Gemma."
"I know she's not doing so hot. I just can't bring myself to feel bad for her. But Jax wanted me to give her this."

She pulled out an envelope of pictures from her purse, handing him the envelope.

"Current pictures of the kids since the court case. Going back over the last week and a half."
"She'll appreciate this, chiquita."
"Don't thank me. If I had my way on it, she would never know anything."
"What exactly happened between the two of you? That's a lot of hate you harbor towards her."

She sighed softly and looked at him.

"A couple years ago, she and I were raped by someone who was threatening the club. Someone who was an informant for the feds. When I came to in the hospital after passing out, she told me that I couldn't say anything to Jax or the club. For weeks. I got more and more depressed about it and the secret was weighing on me and still she told me to stay quiet. I tried to kill myself a couple times in the hospital and she continued to play on my need to keep Jax safe and alive to keep me quiet. I broke down and told Chibs because I couldn't keep it in anymore and she yelled at me, trying to make me feel guilty. Jax had decided to leave the club and go Nomad and Gemma used the rape to keep him in the club and in Charming. Without telling me that she was gonna tell him and Clay. I'm not gonna tell you not to see her, because you seem happy with her, but that's who you're getting into bed with. That's the person you're giving your heart to. I'd be careful if I were you. She tends to betray the people she says she loves."

She looked over when a group of guys came in before looking at Nero, who had put himself in front of her and the kids.

"Should I get out of here?"
"Yes, you should, chiquita."
"No, mami. You should stay. I might want a turn with you once I'm done with Nero."
"Leave her alone, mano. She's someone's esposa. She's not for you."
"We need to talk to you, ese."
"Let's go outside."

She watched as the group of men talked, hoping that they'd leave so she could get Opie and leave. But the guys seemed to have different plans. Two of the guys were told to stay behind to keep an eye on her while Nero brought the other guys outside. She sighed deeply, going over to pretend to check in on the babies, texting Opie to come out to her. But things went very wrong very quickly. One of the guys got a call and the next thing she knew, she was being grabbed from behind. She screamed as Opie came out, but there wasn't anything Opie could do as she was dragged outside kicking and screaming by the two men. Just as she was being thrown into the back of a car, she watched as Nero and Opie ran behind the car, chasing it for a while before they couldn't anymore. She kept kicking and screaming, getting herself hit upside the head with the butt of a gun, getting knocked out.

 She kept kicking and screaming, getting herself hit upside the head with the butt of a gun, getting knocked out

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Holly sat up in the bed she'd been laid out on, staring at the wall as a couple tears dripped down her face. Her clothes were torn to shreds and the only thing she had to cover up with was the blanket she had held against her. She'd been made to call Jax to ask for guns and then a video had been made of one of the guys raping her to be sent to ensure that Jax would deliver them. She was kind of numb at the moment, trying to think of anything that would make her forget about what had just happened. She looked over to the door when she heard gunshots, grabbing the blanket and running into the closet as she heard someone coming down the hall.

"Chiquita? You in here?"

She opened up the closet door when she heard Nero's voice, holding the blanket around her as she ran into his arms, feeling him hold her close.

"Opie's with the kids, mami. I'm taking you to St. Thomas."
"I don't give a shit where you take me. Just get me out of here."

She held onto him as he picked her up and carried her out to his car, putting her in before he handed her his phone so she could call Jax. She dialed Jax's number with shaky hands, waiting for him to pick up.

"Hey, man. We've almost got everything assembled."
"Holly? Are you ok?"
"No. Nero has me now. He's bringing me to St. Thomas."
"Why would you need to go to St. Thomas? Did they hurt you?"

She sniffled, tearing up more. She handed the phone to Nero, unable to say it right now.

"I got her with me, mano. We'll meet you there."

Jax walked into St

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Jax walked into St. Thomas, making his way to Holly's room, stopping when he saw Nero and Gemma coming out of Holly's room.

"You're not supposed to be anywhere near her, mom."
"Nero called and told me what happened. I just came to check on her. She's asleep right now."
"What happened, Nero?"
"It's not good, mano. They gang-raped her. They videotaped it in case you tried to trick them with the guns."
"Shit. Where's the tape?"
"I have it in my truck. You don't wanna see it. Just go be with her."
"I want the tape. And I want their address."
"I killed a few of them, Jax. They're not gonna still be there."
"I want their info by tonight! I don't wanna argue! I don't wanna be talked down from this! I want the wetbacks that gang-raped my wife! Give me their info or I will find it myself!"

He stormed off, walking into Holly's room, sitting down next to her, taking her hand, rubbing the back of hers with his thumb, tears dripping down his face as he watched her sleep. How long was it gonna be before she died because of him or the club?

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