The Sleep of Babies

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Waking up in Jax's arms, she couldn't think of a better way to start her day

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Waking up in Jax's arms, she couldn't think of a better way to start her day. She kissed his chest gently, kissing her way up his chest, jaw and over to his lips. She could feel his muscles jumping at her touch, which only made her smile.

"Wake up, babe. You've got stuff to do."
"No. I wanna stay in bed with you."
"I have stuff to do too. I have to go to work."

She laughed when Jax groaned playfully and rolled over on top of her, pretending to fall back asleep, trying to push him off of her. When he didn't budge, she smirked as she reached down to squeeze his dick tightly, making him jump a bit and gasp as he rolled over onto his back, both of them laughing.

"No fair, Holly."
"Deal with it."

She jumped out of bed before he could hold her back and went to take her shower. She washed up quickly, getting dressed and going down to make coffee and breakfast for them both, turning on the news.

 She washed up quickly, getting dressed and going down to make coffee and breakfast for them both, turning on the news

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Holly rolled her neck, trying to crack it a bit. She'd been working nonstop since she got to work, mostly putting info into client files in the computer system. Her eyes hurt from looking at the computer screen all morning and her fingers hurt from typing for hours. She couldn't even focus on the one thing that she was excited about, otherwise, she'd get distracted. But she was almost done. She finished the last file, not hearing Jax come up to her desk with Wendy until he knocked over her pencil cup. She looked up at him, ready to yell at him until she saw him, a beam crossing her face quickly.

"Is it time?"
"Yeah. You ready to go, darlin'?"
"Almost. I have something I have to drop off with Jason, file a couple of things and then we can go."
"Ok. But hurry up."

She smiled and kissed him softly before picking up the pens and pencils and going to finish everything she had to do. She went over to them when she was done, letting Jax take her hand and lead her outside.

"I'll follow you there. I can't wait to bring Abel home."
"Me neither. You have the carseat in place?"
"Yeah. Made sure it was locked in this morning before I left the house."

She got in her car and followed Jax and Wendy to St. Thomas, growing more and more excited the closer they got. She was practically bouncing as they walked inside Jax's house when they finally walked through the door.

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