You Are My Sunshine

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Jax walked onto the Wahewa land with Dante and Opie

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Jax walked onto the Wahewa land with Dante and Opie. He walked over to Charlie Horse, shaking his hand before introducing him to Dante. He walked off with Opie, letting the two talk.

"You ready for this, brother?"
"Beyond ready. Lyla have the list of stuff for the kids?"
"Oh yeah. And then some."
"Talked to Nero this morning. All the girls are gonna be here in an hour to start setting up the chairs and tables and shit. Venus, Chibs, Fiona and Kerrienne are gonna hang out with Holly and then Chibs is gonna come over here. Indian Hills charter's coming out, Pope, Niners, Irish, couple people from the firm, Roosevelt, Unser, Wendy, Tara and her guy, a couple of Holly's friends that are available. Bobby was able to convince Juno's to cater and ordered a cake yesterday. He's taking Juice with him to pick it up later. Tig's taking care of liquor and music. Nero's also gonna bring the stuff for the floor and the altar."
"Perfect. Thanks for all this, brother."
"You're welcome. I'm happy for you, brother."

Holly had fallen asleep on the couch while the kids played with Venus, waking up when she heard the doorbell, getting up and opening the door to let Chibs, Fi and Kerri inside

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Holly had fallen asleep on the couch while the kids played with Venus, waking up when she heard the doorbell, getting up and opening the door to let Chibs, Fi and Kerri inside.

"You ok, lovey? You look sweaty."
"I think I have a bug or something. I woke up puking this morning. I've been getting as much sleep as I can."
"Why don't you call Tara, lass?"
"It's just a bug, Chibs. It'll pass in a couple days. I'll be fine. I've just gotta wait it out."
"Can I get you something, lass?"
"No thanks. I'm just really tired."
"Ok, lass. Go lay down."

She nodded, going to lay down on the couch. But things got worse, causing Chibs to take her to St. Thomas to get seen by Tara.

Jax looked at his phone when it went off, seeing Chibs' number

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Jax looked at his phone when it went off, seeing Chibs' number.

"Hey, Chibs. What's going on?"
"Holly's sick, brother. I had to take her to St. Thomas. We just got here and she's being seen by Tara right now."
"Shit. I'm leaving now."

Jax walked over to his bike and rode off to St. Thomas. When he got there, he went off to find Holly, getting stopped by Tara.

"She's fine, Jax. She's got a UTI. We gave her some medicine for her nausea, antibiotics for the infection, morphine for the pain and she's on fluids. She should be fine by tonight."
"Jesus. She's always been really good with hygiene."
"It's not a hygiene thing in this case. It's a kidney infection. But she'll be fine. She's resting right now if you wanna go see her."
"Thanks, Tara."

He walked off, going into Holly's room, looking at her.

"Hi, baby."
"Hey, babe. How are you feeling?"
"Sleepy. The morphine's kicking my ass."
"Get some sleep, babe. I'll stay here with you."
"Will you check on the kids? I wanna know that they're ok."
"Yeah. Lay back."

Holly listened to Tara tell her about the antibiotics she'd be on for a couple weeks to kick the kidney infection, looking over when Venus and Fiona came into her room

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Holly listened to Tara tell her about the antibiotics she'd be on for a couple weeks to kick the kidney infection, looking over when Venus and Fiona came into her room.

"So you'll have to take them twice a day every day. It would be beneficial if you eat something right before you take them. Even if it's just a couple crackers. Even a glass of milk will help you."
"Ok. Thanks, Tara."
"You're welcome. I have your discharge papers here. I'm sending you home with some painkillers too. Try and pad them with some Tylenol or some lower grade painkillers. It'll be easier on your system."

She nodded as she signed the papers, handing them back to Tara, letting Venus help her get dressed and then made her way out to the car with them.

"How are you feeling, sugar bear?"
"I'm alright. I'm kinda hungry."
"Jax wants us to bring you somewhere."
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."

Jax finished getting dressed before going to meet Venus, Fiona, and Holly at the gate

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Jax finished getting dressed before going to meet Venus, Fiona, and Holly at the gate. He was surprised to find that he was nervous. He watched as Venus' car stopped, going over and helped Holly out of the car carefully.

"How are you feeling, babe?"
"I'm ok. You're dressed up. Why? And why are we at the Wahewa land?"
"This is your surprise, Holly. I'm done with making you empty promises. I don't wanna wait anymore. We're getting married. Tonight."

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