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Holly took a deep breath as her grandpa pulled into the lot, going out to greet him

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Holly took a deep breath as her grandpa pulled into the lot, going out to greet him.

"Qual è il problema, piccola colomba?"
"Il prete usa Abel come un maledetto chip di contrattazione. Vuole che uccidiamo Jimmy per riavere Abel. Ma non possiamo uccidere Jimmy."
"Non possiamo usare l'inglese qui?"
"No. Non sappiamo di chi fidarsi. C'è almeno una persona a letto con Jimmy. Clay pensa che potrebbe essere il vicepresidente. Non sarei sorpreso se anche il presidente fosse."
"Andiamo dentro e parliamo con i ragazzi."
"Prima di fare ... Jax ha fatto un accordo con ATF. Lo dirà ai ragazzi, ma non menzionare nulla di personale. Non voglio vederti colpito da questo."
"Ti farà del male?"
"No. Jax ha promesso che non l'avrebbe lasciato."

She walked him inside when he nodded, leading him into the living room and going over to Jax.

"I told him everything Ashby told us."
"Holly is right. You can not kill Jimmy. The man is a monster and deserves to die, but he still serves a purpose to us."

Holly looked at Jax, holding his hand, whispering to him as her grandpa talked.

"I think it's time to tell them about your deal with Stahl. It'll be worse if you tell them later."

He sighed and nodded. She kissed his hand gently, looking up at him.

"I'm right here by your side. Always."

She got the guys' attention, lacing her fingers with Jax's.

"I have something to tell you guys. I talked to Stahl before we left. Made a deal with her. Abel, mom and Holly's safety and immunity for the club, the IRA and Jimmy."

Holly looked down, licking her lips as the guys reacted, looking over at her grandpa when he took her hand.

"Why would you rat, Jax?"
"We've been taking heavy hits lately. We need to protect our loved ones."
"You know that bitch is gonna turn on you."
"I know. I was gonna tell you when we got back to Charming, but things have changed. I had to tell you now."

Holly pressed her head against Jax's shoulder, holding onto his arm.

"Why would you tell us at all?"
"I have to give her info. But I know we can get ahead of her."

Holly stood next to Jax, kissing him softly, whispering in his ear

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Holly stood next to Jax, kissing him softly, whispering in his ear.

"Keep your eyes and ears open. I don't trust people here. Not for a second."
"I will. I don't either."
"Come back to me."
"I will. Always."
"I love you."
"Love you too. And I always will."

She kissed him one more time before going over to Chibs, Fiona and Kerrianne, hugging Chibs.

"You take care too, ok?"
"I will. Take care of my girls, ya?"
"You know I will."

She smiled at Kerrianne before giving Fiona a hug, walking inside with them.

"Da says you've been taking care of him. Thank you for that."
"Anytime. Your dad's a great guy. I know he misses you and your mom so much."
"We miss him too."

She walked to the bathroom, coming back out when she was done, sitting on the couch next to Kerrianne. After a few hours conversation, she fell asleep, clutching the locket around her neck as she slept in one hand, the other one on her belly. When she woke up, it was to someone forcing her up, pressing the gun against her baby bump. She looked over to see Jimmy in the kitchen. Her mind was running in slow-mo, but the whole ordeal was over before she could fully register it. She stared in shock, her legs shaking, not noticing the blood trickling down her legs. It took a second for her to realize what had just happened, looking at Fiona.

"Thank you for getting rid of him, Fiona."
"Don't thank me yet, lovey. You're bleeding."

She looked down at her leg, tearing up as she cursed out loud, looking up at Gemma.

"Not again."

Holly was asleep when Jax walked into her room at the hospital, breathing deeply

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Holly was asleep when Jax walked into her room at the hospital, breathing deeply. The doctor came in after Jax. He was a friend of the club, so Holly was being really good care of.

"She's fine, lad. And so's the baby. When women get pregnant, there's extra blood that flows to their cervix for the baby. Sometimes a good jab during sex or an exam can cause some bleeding. It's nothing to worry about. She'll be fine. But she should go back home and stay on bedrest. Your ma said she was but there were some....circumstances....that brought her here. I don't think Belfast is agreeing with her."
"It doesn't seem so. Thanks for fixing her up."
"Would you like to see your wee one?"

He handed Jax the ultrasound that had been done, looking at the door as Gemma came in.

"That wee one's a fighter already. Just like his ma. Her blood pressure was too high for comfort, so we gave her a sedative to let her sleep, relax her a bit. She'll be out for a while. I suggest finding a way to get her home that doesn't involve flying."

Jax nodded as he looked at the ultrasound before looking at Holly, moving her hair out of her face, kissing her head as the doctor left. He looked at his mom.

"Am I doing the right thing, keeping her around? She's been through hell since we got together. Maybe she should leave me. Go find different happiness."
"You two are good for each other. You just started shit at a complicated time. Things'll settle down and you two will be fine. I promise. That's how shit always goes for us."

It was another hour or so before Holly woke up. Jax looked at her, sitting up straighter.

"How's the baby?"
"Still in there. The doctor thinks it's time for you to go home. And so do I."

She just nodded, looking at him.

"I'll call my grandpa."
"I already did. He said that he'll arrange for some transport back home for you. Something that's not a plane."
"What about you? You find out anything about Abel?"
"No. Still being taken for a ride."
"The guys on board with the deal with Stahl?"
"Yeah. We worked it out."
"You should tell my grandpa what happens. He can help."
"I will, babe. Just go back to sleep."
"I woke up because I'm hungry and I have to pee."

He nodded, helping her out of bed and into the bathroom before helping her back into bed, climbing in with her, being careful of her IV, holding her close and rubbing her arm, his mind wandering over to Abel, wondering where his son was. 

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