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Holly sat at her desk at the firm, Valentina asleep in her stroller as Holly returned some calls and made some appointments

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Holly sat at her desk at the firm, Valentina asleep in her stroller as Holly returned some calls and made some appointments. For once, she wasn't looking forward to going home. Jax was gonna tell the guys about Romeo and Luis and she was glad she wasn't gonna be there to witness that. She knew that it might end in another vote for change in leadership. She looked at her cell when it went off, answering it when she saw Jax's number.

"Hey, baby. How'd it go?"
"Not good. Shit went down pretty hard. I had to tell the club about the letters and the manuscript."
"Shit. Are you ok?"
"Physically. Where'd you put the letters and the manuscript? The guys want proof."
"They're all in the safe at the back of the closet. Combination's Abel's birthday."
"Thanks, babe."
"Let me know what happens?"
"Ok. Love you."
"Love you too."

Holly sat in a cell at the jail, playing with her engagement ring with one hand and her locket with the other, letting her mind wander

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Holly sat in a cell at the jail, playing with her engagement ring with one hand and her locket with the other, letting her mind wander. She'd attacked Eli when he went after Juice again and got arrested for it. She'd asked to talk to agent Potter, sitting and waiting for him while Rosen was called.

"I hear you want to talk to me, Ms. Pavlov. What can I do for you?"

She looked over and couldn't help but laugh a bit when she saw him.

"You couldn't look less like an agent if you tried. You dress like my dad would when he wasn't working."
"What do you need, my dear? How did you even know about me?"
"Eli Roosevelt. He told me about you not long after the guys got home and what you were hoping for when you used RICO against the club. He told me what you told him would happen if you learned he told someone about you and your goals. I kept warning him that if he didn't leave my family alone, to include the club, or I would tell you that I know what you're here for. He didn't listen, so here we are."
"It seems I have overestimated our good sheriff."
"It seems so. And there's something else you should know."
"And what is that?"
"Romeo Parada and Luis Torres? Not Galindo. They're CIA. I had to tell the club, so they know too."

She looked at him, watching him start to pace.

"I'm gonna give you a piece of advice, agent Potter. Many people have tried to destroy SAMCRO and all have failed. A couple people have gotten close. They're now dead. And that's not a threat. It's a fact. I get you want to destroy organized crime, but enough people have been hurt or killed because of this shit. I don't know you from dick, but I'm tired of seeing dead bodies in my hometown. Quit while you still can. You might get close, but you will fail. Spectacularly."
"And what makes you say that?"

She smiled at him a bit as she heard Rosen walking down the hall with Jax.

"Let's just say personal experience. I'll wish you luck because that's the kind of person I am.....But you will lose. It's just a matter of time."

She looked over when Jax called her name and went over to her, watching as an officer open the cell door, letting her out. She went over to Jax, kissing him softly before looking back at Potter.

"Oh. Before I forget.....Juice Ortiz isn't a rat. He's loyal. No matter who his father is. And one could, if one were so inclined, make a case that you using Eli Roosevelt, a black man, to get to Juan Carlos Ortiz, a half Mexican half black man, is racially motivated."

She watched him give her a small smile, anger playing on his face.

"That's very sneaky, Ms. Pavlov. It seems I've underestimated you."
"A lot of people do. They learn quickly. It was nice to finally meet you. I hope to do it again soon."

She smiled as she walked off with Jax, lacing their fingers together.

"I'm proud of you, darlin'. You did good."
"Is it wrong that I'm kinda turned on right now?"
"Only if it's wrong that I'm turned on by you."

She laughed softly, kissing him before climbing onto the back of his bike, holding onto him as they rode home.

She laughed softly, kissing him before climbing onto the back of his bike, holding onto him as they rode home

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Holly let Gemma into the house, leading her into the living room. She, Jax, the kids, Dante and Maria were sitting down to a late dinner when Gemma knocked on the door. It had been voted that Clay would meet Mr. Mayhem. She looked at Gemma with a look of slight sympathy.

"I know why you're here. And things aren't changed between us. I have no love for you anymore."
"Then why have you been so friendly with me since Valentina was born? Why did you let me into the room?"
"The simplest answer? Because of the kids. I can tell them stories about who my parents were until I'm blue in the face, but they'll never if it's true or not because they'll never get to meet them. Just like they'll never get to meet JT. You are their last grandparent and they should know you and the love grandparents have for their families."
"And the complicated answer?"
"Because with everything that's been going on lately, I needed something familiar. Something that was safe. When it comes to stuff like this, you're predictable. You stepped up and were the mentor I grew up with for a little while. And I got that."
"So what happens now?"
"With Clay stepping down, so are you. You're not an old lady anymore. You're simply a family member. You still don't have a say in the kids' lives or mine. You'll be in the kids' lives because they need it. But your time of being queen is over. Effective tomorrow."

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