Turning and Turning

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Holly sat in the chapel by herself, her hand resting on the tiny bump that had formed between her hips

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Holly sat in the chapel by herself, her hand resting on the tiny bump that had formed between her hips. Jax had insisted on getting an ultrasound done while they were there and the baby seemed to be fine. She looked up at the Jesus statue in the chapel, her other hand holding onto the ultrasound, tears dripping down her face.

"I don't ever do this, because I've never been particularly religious, but I'm in need of a sign that things are gonna be fine. Not just for me, but for my family. For Abel. I know Jax needs to know that he's actually gonna get his son back. I need a sign that I'm doing the right thing by staying with Jax and the club. I know they do things that aren't good, but they're good guys. None of them deserve this stress. So if you're listening like everyone says, then please send me some sort of sign."

She wiped her eyes and cleared her throat when she heard the door open, looking back to see Opie come in and sit next to her. She handed him the ultrasound.

"So the baby's ok?"
"Yeah, it is. Thankfully."
"Is that why you're crying?"
"Partly. I was also thinking about my parents."
"I miss your parents too. Spent a lot of time over there."
"Yeah, we did. Still can't believe they're gone. I sure as shit didn't think they'd meet their end because of a damn car accident."
"Me neither. Especially with the way your mom drove. I hated being in the car when she was driving."
"I loved it. She always said she did that on purpose. La vita è fugace e abbiamo bisogno di approfittare dei momenti che i nostri cari."
"Life's fleeting and we need to take advantage of the moments with our loved ones. It's what she would tell me when I asked her why she drove so slow or took the long routes."
"She was a smart woman."
"I know. And she loved Donna. She knew that you two would end up getting married. She said that you two looked at each other like she and daddy looked at each other. That the way you treated her meant that you two would last forever."
"That was the only thing she was wrong about."
"Not the only thing. She was sure you'd have more kids. Like, a million more."

He laughed a bit and nodded.

"We'd talked about having more. And then I got arrested. And that was the end of it."
"I miss Donna so much."
"I do too. I'm sorry you had to see how it happened. I'm just happy she wasn't alone."

She nodded and leaned into him, looking up at the statue.

She nodded and leaned into him, looking up at the statue

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Holly looked over as Jax came into the chapel. She hadn't moved much since they'd gotten to the hospital.

"You ok, babe?"
"Yeah. Are you ok? You've been here since we got here."
"I've just been thinking."
"About Abel?"
"Surprisingly not. My parents."

She watched as he came over to sit down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, kissing her head.

"I've been praying for a sign that we're on the right path. That we're doing the right thing in life."
"So far I've talked to Opie and now you. Otherwise, I've been sitting in silence."
"How are you holding up, darlin'?"
"I don't know. I want to say I'm ok, to make you happy, but I can't bring myself to lie. I'm better than I was before. All I can do is take it hour by hour."
"You should go see mom."
"No. All she's gonna do is blame me for Abel getting kidnapped."
"She's not gonna blame you."
"Yes, she is. And you know it. Things are better between us, but not healed."

She looked back when someone came in, rolled her eyes when she saw Stahl, looking at Jax in irritation.

"I asked for a sign that I'm doing the right thing and she shows up? I'm starting to think I prayed to the wrong entity."

Jax smiled as Stahl came over to sit behind Holly. Holly looked back at her.

"What could you possibly have to say to me or ask me that isn't gonna make me wanna bash your head into the pew until your skull is showing?"
"Calm yourself, Ms. Pavlov. Wouldn't wanna miscarry again. I have some news for you."
"Which one of my friends or family members are you gonna frame for something you did this time?"
"Nobody. It's about you this time. Before his death, Weston had decided to press charges against you for attacking him. It was brought before a judge before he died and right before his body was found, the judge ruled in your favor after learning about the rape, which you are still within the statute of limitation of, and you are being paid back for what happened."

She took the envelope from Stahl, looking inside.

"Weston had quite a bit in his account and it's all yours now. All 5 million dollars of it. For damages, both mental and physical, and hospital bills. Oh. And settlement."

She looked at Jax in shock and then looked at the statue for a minute before looking at Stahl.

"Thank you. Now if that's all, you can go now."
"That's not all. Gemma made a deal with me that's been nullified unless I can get some intel on Cameron Hayes. Plus it'll help find Abel."
"Before you continue, you were in the room when I gave my statement. The truth. Everything I knew and did. I don't know where that asshole took my son. All the info I have on him I gave you already."

Holly sat up in bed, replying to the email Rosen sent her, telling her he'd give her her job back as soon as she had her baby

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Holly sat up in bed, replying to the email Rosen sent her, telling her he'd give her her job back as soon as she had her baby. She thanked him and closed her laptop as she heard Jax come in.

"Hey, babe. Where'd you go?"
"I made a deal with Stahl."
"What the hell did you do, Jackson?"
"Don't worry about it. I can promise you that things will be fine."
"What's the deal?"
"I can't tell you right now. Not because I don't trust you, but because I need as few people to know as possible for the time being because things are gonna get tricky for me."

She looked at him in shock and concern.

"Are you gonna rat on the club?"

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