Toil and Till

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Holly sat at her desk, updating a couple files, staying at the office over her lunch break

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Holly sat at her desk, updating a couple files, staying at the office over her lunch break. She was a day away from a new case that was set to make it to court, so she was eating at the office, planning for every possible outcome. It had been a couple months since she and Jax had gotten home and they'd both been pretty busy ever since. There was a bunch of birthdays coming up, including the kids' birthdays and Jax's, Jax had some club stuff and Diosa stuff with Nero, and Holly was catching up on cases. She'd started feeling sick the other day, but it went away, so she pushed it from her mind, focusing on her job. She printed out some papers that she needed, stretching a bit before answering her desk phone.

"This is Holly Teller, how can I help you?"
"Hey, darlin'. How are you?
"Jax? I'm ok. Why are you calling the office phone? You usually call my cell."
"I did. You didn't pick up, babe."
"Oh shit. Sorry. I turned it off when I was in my meeting and forgot to turn it back on. Is everything ok?"
"Yeah. The kids wanna come up and have lunch with you. You busy?"
"As much as I would love that, I just ate, for one thing, and for another, I'm working hard to get things together for the court case tomorrow. I'm sorry."
"It's ok. What's the case?"
"I can't talk about it. All I can say is that it's a murder case."
"Ok. What time are you coming home?"
"I'm leaving around 5. So I've got a few more hours. Requests for dinner?"
"I was actually hoping to take you and the kids somewhere. Is that ok?"
"Of course, baby. Where do you wanna go?"
"I don't know yet. So start thinking of places."

She smiled softly to herself as she sat back down.

"I will. I'll see you later, baby. Kiss the kids for me."
"I will. I love you, babe."
"Love you too, baby."

Holly pulled into the driveway and let out a deep sigh, trying to collect her thoughts, looking in the rearview mirror to see if it showed that she'd been crying

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Holly pulled into the driveway and let out a deep sigh, trying to collect her thoughts, looking in the rearview mirror to see if it showed that she'd been crying. And there was no hiding her red eyes. She sat in the van for a minute before grabbing her stuff and going inside, putting her briefcase down on the dining room table, taking off her heels before going upstairs to wash her face before going to change. She walked back downstairs and went into the living room, smiling when the kids spotted her, hugging them all when they ran over to her.

"Hey, babe. How was work?"
"What happened?"
"I'll tell you later. You still wanna go out?"
"Only if you do."
"Let's go then. I'm starving."
"Ok. Let's get the kids ready."

She nodded, helping him get the kids ready to go. But as she picked Lilia up, the tears started falling, leaning into Jax when he pulled her close. He held onto her until she stopped crying.

"What happened, Holly?"
"My murder case? My client was killed. Along with her 3-week old son. They were both shot."

Holly walked into Scoops, looking around for Jax, only seeing Chucky and Brooke

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Holly walked into Scoops, looking around for Jax, only seeing Chucky and Brooke. She smiled softly at them both as she sat down at the counter, taking the coffee Brooke gave her.

"Where are the kids?"
"Nero's watching them with Lyla. Where's Jax?"
"All the guys are upstairs with Collette and that crooked cop."
"Oh great. Just what I need today. When Jax comes down, will you ask him to call me?"
"There's no need to do that, babe. I'm right here."

She looked over as Jax came downstairs, standing up and going over to him, kissing him softly.

"What're you doing here, babe?"
"I was wondering if I could get a ride to the courthouse? The van broke down. I think it needs to be looked at."
"Of course, baby. I'll take you."
"Thanks. Ow."

She sucked in a soft breath, feeling a cramp hit her.

"You ok?"
"Yeah. I've been cramping up all day. I'll be fine, babe. I promise."
"Alright. If you're sure."

She nodded, going out to his bike with him, climbing on behind him and put his helmet on.

Jax was sitting at home, going over papers from Redwoody, keeping an eye on the kids as they ate, taking a drag from his cigarette as his phone went off

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Jax was sitting at home, going over papers from Redwoody, keeping an eye on the kids as they ate, taking a drag from his cigarette as his phone went off. He blew out the smoke as he answered it.

"Jax? It's Ally Lowen. Holly's on her way to the hospital. She collapsed in court. You should meet the ambulance there."

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