Call of Duty

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Holly looked towards the door when she heard it open, looking down at her hands when she saw Jax

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Holly looked towards the door when she heard it open, looking down at her hands when she saw Jax. She had just finished talking to the doctor. And Opie.

"I just talked to the doctor. How are you feeling?"
"Suspicious. You tell Opie that you want to push me away, from the only home I've ever had, from you, from my friends and family, and then not only are you not here when I wake up, I hear that you went out for some fresh air and didn't come back until just now. Where'd you go, Jackson?"
"Just for a drive. And I did tell Opie what was on my mind."
"I know you well enough to know when you're lying to me. So tell me the truth. Where did you go?"
"You need to calm down, babe."
"Don't change the damn subject and answer the damn question, Jackson. Where the hell did you go last night?"

She looked up at him, tears filling her eyes when she saw that he couldn't even look at her. She shook her head, biting her lip.

"I have your crow. You went out of your way to contact my father's father to get my grandmother's wedding ring, the side of my family that I've literally never spoken to. You asked me to be the mother of your son with another woman. I gave birth to two of your children. I've been raped. I've been kidnapped. I went through two miscarriages and an abortion. I went halfway around the world for your son. I've taken care of you and the guys. You threw everything in my face after twisting what I've done and I warned you. You hurt me again and we're done. And this is what you do? This is how you prove you love me? You make promise after promise after promise, don't deliver and then send your dick on a cheerleader hunt. And, if I know you, you're gonna tell me that you've changed your mind and you want me to stay."
"Of course I want you to stay. But go over that list again, Holly. You deserve better than an outlaw biker with a GED who has no other skills than being an ok mechanic. I want to be able to give you more than what I do but I can't. The club is all I know. All I am. But you can be so much more. You can be better than my mother. But if you stay, you will turn into Gemma Teller, and I won't let that happen to you."
"STOP MAKING THOSE DECISIONS FOR ME!!!! I'm not a fucking child, Jackson! I might not know anything other than the club, but I couldn't imagine the guys not being in my life! This is my home, my happiness and you are determined to take that from me. I don't care that you can't take me anywhere, or the kids. I've only ever wanted you and your heart and your loyalty. I've given you absolutely everything and, just like your mother, you don't fucking care. I'm done with you. I'm not leaving Charming or the club. But those babies are mine. I will continue to do what I've always done and take care of my friends and family. But make absolutely no mistake, I'm not your old lady anymore. And I never will be again."
"You can't be around the club anymore. I don't want you to get hurt again."
"Than you shouldn't have cheated on me. You're so obsessed with keeping me safe and from getting hurt that you fail to see that you're hurting me more than I've ever been hurt."

She looked at him, both of them crying as the heart monitor beeped erratically in the background.

"I want you out of here, Jax."
"Out of where?"
"Out of the room. I don't want anything to do with you and I still have to call Dante to check in and I wanna check in on my kids."
"Our kids."
"MY kids! I told you when Valentina was born that if you hurt me again, you would lose me and the kids. If I have to, I will take you to court. For Abel too. It might be Wendy's name on the birth certificate, but you had me adopt Abel. As far as that little boy knows, I am his mommy. All I have to do is show the judge our records and they will be mine. You are an outlaw biker with a rap sheet as long as a football field. I have one charge on my record. Who do you think a judge will trust more?"

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