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Holly got Abel bathed and dressed, kissing his head gently as she sat down to feed him. She had to drop off the baby with Lyla before heading up to Stockton to visit Jax. And she couldn't wait. She missed him so much. It had been a month since she saw him last. She had just finished getting ready to go when her cell rang, answering it.

"Is this Holly Pavlov? Jackson Teller's girlfriend?"
"Yes, it is. Who is this?"
"Dr. Marks. I'm the head doctor at Stockton prison. Jackson Teller is being transferred to St. Thomas hospital after an attack on him here at the prison. It's nothing too severe, but I don't have the equipment here to take care of him."
"Oh my God. Thank you for letting me know. Do you know when he's gonna get there?"
"We sent him off 10 minutes ago, so it should be another 30 before he gets there."
"Thank you, doctor."

She hung up and rushed to get Abel into the car and off to Lyla and Opie's before going to the hospital, waiting for Jax to get there. When she saw Jax being wheeled in, she got up and followed them into a room, sitting down next to Jax, holding his hand. She sat and waited for Jax to wake up, looking at him with a small smile when he did.

"Hi, baby. How are you feeling?"
"Hey. This isn't how I wanted our visit to go."
"That's alright. It just means I get to see you more."

She kissed his hand gently before putting it on her belly, her bump more pronounced now.

She kissed his hand gently before putting it on her belly, her bump more pronounced now

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Holly rubbed her belly gently, feeling a small contraction as she sat at the bar in the clubhouse. She was a few days overdue and she was a bit uncomfortable. But she and Gemma were gonna go for a visit at Stockton that day. Gemma was getting Abel ready for her. When Gemma and Abel came out, she smiled at them, picking up Abel.

"Ready to go see daddy?"

She walked out with them, getting Abel into his carseat. But as she stood up and went to move, she felt a pop and felt something trickling down her legs, looking down to see that her water had just broken. She looked at Gemma with a smile.

"You ok, baby?"
"My water broke."
"Shit. should we get to the hospital?"
"No. I wanna go see Jax."
"Are you sure?"
"I am. I miss him and I can't wait for him to see that Abel's walking."
"Ok, baby."
"I'm gonna go change my pants real quick and then we can go."

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