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Holly sat in the living room as the kids played, going over the case file for a client when she heard the doorbell ring

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Holly sat in the living room as the kids played, going over the case file for a client when she heard the doorbell ring. She scratched Teddy's ear as she got up to answer the door, looking at the man standing on her doorstep.

"Mr. Toric. What are you doing here?"
"I came to talk to you. And I have a warrant this time."

She sighed deeply as she looked at the paper he handed her, reading it thoroughly before looking at him.

"Come on in."

She let him in, leading him into the dining room.

"What do you want?"
"I think you know more about my sister's murder than you're letting on and I want the truth."
"You already know the truth. If you had taken a look at my medical records, then you would know that I wasn't conscious when your sister was murdered. And I can give you the names of, at least, 5 different people, not including doctors, that came to visit me in the hospital while I was in my coma. I know firsthand how hard it can hit you when you lose someone you love that much, but you're barking up the wrong tree. I won't repeat myself anymore. I don't know why Otto killed your sister, and to be brutally honest, I don't care. I haven't had any contact with Otto in years. It doesn't matter how many times you tell me your theories or ask me to tell you the truth, the truth will never change. So unless the next words out of your mouth are either me being arrested for an actual charge or an apology for wasting my time, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
"I'd hate for something to happen that would take you away from those beautiful kids of yours. It would be horrible to have their mom taken from them."
"You just made a huge mistake threatening me, dickhead. You're not an actual agent. I can spin this into a case of you stalking me and my friends and family or any other way I need to."
"Now who's threatening who?"
"I don't mess around when it comes to family. I was being as nice as possible until you brought my children into this. Now get out of my house."

Holly walked up to the docks with Jax, Nero and the guys, holding Jax's hand

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Holly walked up to the docks with Jax, Nero and the guys, holding Jax's hand. She had gotten a weird vibe off Barovsky. It didn't help that he hadn't stopped flirting with her since he saw her. She walked with Jax and Barovsky down the docks towards Amir's boat. She had to take a deep breath before she was able to walk any further, memories of the last time she saw the Ghanezi brothers flooding her brain and she had to swallow her anger.

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