Fa Guan

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Holly sat in her car outside of Zobelle's cigar shops, just staring at the storefront for a few minutes before climbing out of the car and going inside, trying to keep her fear at bay

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Holly sat in her car outside of Zobelle's cigar shops, just staring at the storefront for a few minutes before climbing out of the car and going inside, trying to keep her fear at bay.

"Ms. Pavlov. Can I help you with something? You don't strike me as a smoker."
"Oh, I'm not. Not in the normal sense, anyway. I was actually hoping to talk to you."
"Me? What can I do for you?"

She walked over to one of the shelves, not looking at him, feeling her heart pounding in her chest.

"I know what you are, what you do and what you ordered to happen to me and Gemma Teller. And before you deny it, I don't really have the time for bullshit. I have a kid, a family and Jax and I were expecting our first child together and, because of what happened, what you had Weston and his guys do to me, I lost that baby. I was unconscious for a week and on suicide watch after Tig found me with blood pouring from my wrist. I will admit that the suicide attempts were more because Gemma told me not to say anything to Jax or Clay or the guys because they didn't know anything about you at the time so if they retaliated, they could have gotten hurt or worse, than the actual rape. I told one person about it. About the rape. Chibs. The one who got hurt because of the bomb you planted in the van that got brought into Teller-Morrow. The same van that your daughter drove up to us the night we were raped. The night that I lost something that I never got to know. The night that my world shattered around me. And, I wanna blame the club and the things they do. But none of them are psychic. They couldn't have predicted the kind of monster you really are. They know ATF can't touch you because the FBI is interested in you. But I can promise you, Ethan Zobelle, your day will come. The day when you lose everything that you've taken from us. You have tried your hardest to break the Sons of Anarchy, but there is one huge thing that you haven't taken into account."
"Oh? And what is that, Ms. Pavlov?"
"SAMCRO is the mother charter of Sons of Anarchy. There are charters all over, not just the United States, but also the world. And every charter is different friends with different MCs and gangs. So you can try your hardest to break us, but Sons of Anarchy is like a hydra. You cut off one head and two more will take its place. And I can guarantee that if you keep pushing us, the might of every single charter will rain down on you like holy fire. This is my town, Mr. Zobelle. And I'm no longer afraid of you. But you should be afraid of me."

Holly sat in the clubhouse next to Bobby at the bar, eating some of his fresh banana bread, smiling at him

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Holly sat in the clubhouse next to Bobby at the bar, eating some of his fresh banana bread, smiling at him.

"It's because of you I was a chubby kid."
"Hey. It's not all my fault. You volunteered to be my test taster."
"Because you were always such a great baker."

She laughed softly when he put some butter on the tip of her nose like he used to do when she was a kid and teasing him, making her go cross-eyed trying to see it.

"Hey. I'm the only one that gets to make you do that."

She smirked at Jax, blushing softly as she felt him kiss her nose, getting the butter off before kissing her. She was gonna say something until Clay called Jax over, watching to see if she should jump in. And she almost did when Clay blamed Luann's death on Jax, knowing that it wasn't gonna end well. She got stopped by Tig, though. She got out from Tig's grip when Jax gave Clay his gun only to get stopped by Opie when Clay actually took it, watching in horror until Clay put the gun down. As Jax came over to her, she let him lead her outside before she smacked him across the face.

"I know things are crazy between you two, but you ever do something that stupid again, I'll kill you myself. I thought he was gonna do it."

He pulled her into a hug, knowing she was just scared, rubbing her back.

"I'm sorry. I was just making a point."
"Next time, do it in a way that isn't gonna make me wanna shit myself."

Holly made sure Abel was sleeping before going into the bathroom to take a shower

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Holly made sure Abel was sleeping before going into the bathroom to take a shower. She turned on some music before stepping into the shower. She got into it, relaxing under the hot water, not hearing Jax come home. But she could feel someone staring at her, looking back to see Jax watching her through the steam. She watched him take off his clothes before climbing in with her, kissing her deeply. After a couple of minutes of making out with him, Holly felt him turn her around and press her against the wall a bit, pulling her hips a bit as he pulled her close to him. Before she knew it, he was taking her up against the wall, making her feel the pleasure only he'd ever given her. When she finished washing up, she got out to dry off and get dressed. She heard the landline ring, talking to David for a minute, looking at Jax when he came out.

"That was David. Cara Cara burned down."
"He's there now with fire and a few officers."
"Call Bobby. Tell him to meet me down there."
"Ok. Do you want me to do anything else?"
"No. Just call him."

She nodded, watching him leave. She could tell he was pissed because he left without a kiss or an 'I love you', which he never did. She held onto Abel, kissing his head before calling Bobby.

"You need to go meet Jax at Cara Cara."
"Why? What happened?"
"It burned down. Jax is pissed off."
"Oh shit. Thanks, Hol."

She hung up and looked at Abel, rubbing his back gently as he laid his head on her shoulder, singing softly to herself.

"Just another manic Monday...."  

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