John 8:32

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Holly was doing laundry and cleaning up the living room by the time Jax got up

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Holly was doing laundry and cleaning up the living room by the time Jax got up.

"Babe? What are you doing?"
"Cleaning. I wanna make sure that the house is ready for when my family gets here."
"Right. Your grandpa is coming today."
"Yeah. From what I understand, this is his first time in the States. So it's the first time he's been in the house and the first time he's seeing the kids in person."
"And the first time he's seeing Abel since Belfast."
"You ready for that? That's pretty heavy, babe."
"It is. But at least I'll get to see my grandpa before he passes."
"I'll send Rat to help you clean today."
"Actually, will you send Juice? It'll be great to utilize his OCD."
"Ok. I'll give him a call after breakfast."
"And I still have to start looking through my mom's recipe books and decide what I'm gonna make for dinner tonight."
"Who's coming?"
"My uncle and his family, my cousins Giovanni and his family and his sister, Maria and my grandpa. I'm hoping the guys would be willing to join us? You think you could ask?"
"I'll talk to them when I see them today."
"Thanks, baby. I gotta call Mallory and see if she can watch the kids for me. I have to go grocery shopping."
"Should I just let you be for now?"
"I love you always. But yes."
"How about if I take the kids?"
"What are you doing?"
"I don't know yet. Worse comes to worst, I have Lyla and Nero watch them."
"Ok. Thank you."

Jax walked into shop, looking over at Chucky as he let the kids go inside, holding onto Lilia

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Jax walked into shop, looking over at Chucky as he let the kids go inside, holding onto Lilia.

"Hey, Chucky? You mind keeping an eye on the rugrats when you're done washing the windows?"

He chuckled a bit as Chucky hummed in agreement with a kazoo in his mouth, shaking his head as he walked inside, looking at Juice.

"Holly's asking for you to help her out at the house. Italians are coming tonight and she's going a bit crazy trying to make sure everything's spotless."
"Alright. I'll head up there now."
"Tread carefully. She was just getting flustered when I woke up and by the time I left, she was going a mile a minute."
"Thanks for the heads up."
"And remember. Not a word about the wedding. Her family's in on it, but I want it to be a surprise."
"You got it, bro."

He nodded, watching Juice leave as Tig took Lilia from him, kissing the little girl's head as Valentina came over to him, pick her up. Lilia was usually calmer when she being held by Tig, but Valentina was a daddy's girl through and through. He held onto her as he looked over at Chibs, who was holding onto Tommy, who was drinking from his bottle.

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