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Holly stood with Jax as Dr

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Holly stood with Jax as Dr. Namid explained was going on with Abel. Abel was being taken down for surgery on his heart to repair that damage.

"We want to wait to see how he deals with the first surgery before doing the surgery for his belly."
"Why can't you just do both?"

She rubbed Jax's arm gently, looking up at him.

"It would be too hard on his system, babe. He's only a couple weeks old and heart surgery can be hard on a grown adult."

She watched Jax tear up and walk away, watching Tara go after him to comfort him. He hadn't told Tara about him and Holly yet, but they hadn't broken up yet either. It was hard on Holly, but she endured it for now. She told Jax if he didn't tell Tara soon, she would. And that wouldn't be a pretty or pleasant conversation. She turned her attention back to Dr. Namid, listening to the rest of his explanation of how the surgery was gonna go. She let him go, going with Gemma to see Abel before he was brought into surgery, bending down to kiss the little boy's head.

"You're so strong, Abel. You can do this. You can make it through. I know it."

Wanting to get out of Charming for a little while, Holly had asked for a couple of days off so she could go with Jax and Bobby up to see uncle Jury

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Wanting to get out of Charming for a little while, Holly had asked for a couple of days off so she could go with Jax and Bobby up to see uncle Jury. She'd missed him quite a bit since she hadn't seen him since her 21st birthday. She packed a backpack with just a change of clothes, her toiletries, purse, wallet, laptop, and cell, keeping it by the door. Jax was gonna pick her up in the morning and she'd ride on the back of his bike the entire way. It would be the first time she had done that since she started dating Jax. She felt a bit guilty about it for a while because she didn't condone cheating, but she and Jax fit so well together that she stopped feeling guilty after a while. She was just finishing up her breakfast when Jax came into the apartment, getting up to wash her bowl and glass quickly.

"Morning, darlin'. You ready to go?"
"Almost. I have to finish this and grab my shoes and bag."
"Take your time. We still have a little before we have to hit the road."
"Why? What did the road ever do to you?"

She bit back the smirk that she wanted to give, hearing Jax laugh at the bad joke she just told.

"You're not a dad, babe. You can't give off dad jokes like that."
"Why not? I like dad jokes. Sometimes."
"You literally slapped Tig when he made a dad joke the other day."
"That wasn't a dad joke, that was a dirty and wildly inappropriate joke. He deserved that slap."

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