Una Venta

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Holly looked up at Jax when he kissed her head

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Holly looked up at Jax when he kissed her head.

"Is it time to go already?"
"It's 4. You don't have to go with us, babe."
"It's fine. I wanna go. It'll be nice to get out of Charming for a while. A chance to get away."
"Jessica's here to watch the boys."
"I'll shower quickly and get dressed."
"Want something to eat?"

She nodded, yawning deeply as she got up, stretching before grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and got dressed, going to get Valentina up, only to find that she wasn't there. She went downstairs to see that Jessica was giving the baby girl a bottle as Jax made Holly some eggs.

"Morning, Jess. Thanks for coming so early."
"It's ok. I've been up all night anyway."
"Is everything ok?"
"Yeah. Trevor and I are going through some shit right now. I'll be fine."
"Well, you're welcome to crash here. It should be a few hours before the boys wake up."

She nodded, taking Valentina from her, going to get her dressed.

Holly sighed happily when they reached Arizona, glad to see that Valentina had made it almost all the way through the drive without incident

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Holly sighed happily when they reached Arizona, glad to see that Valentina had made it almost all the way through the drive without incident. But the stops they made to gas up, get food, use the bathroom or take a smoke break made all the difference. She got out and stretched deeply before getting in the backseat so she could breastfeed the baby, keeping an eye out as she fed her, making sure nobody came over. She burped Valentina before kissing her head, adjusting her bra and shirt before getting out, carrying the baby over to Jax and the guys, stretching her legs. She smiled softly as Jax pulled her in and kiss her head as the guys commented on how cute Valentina was, congratulating Jax and Holly. When everyone parted, she looked at Jax.

"Wanna rent a hotel room? I don't wanna stay at a clubhouse."
"Why not?"
"I don't know anyone and we have a newborn with us. Besides....I don't wanna share you tonight."

She smirked at him playfully.

"Aren't you still healing?"
"Yeah. Doesn't mean I can't play with you."


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