Airplane and Chills

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I actually have some stories to tell from today XD

First of all, I banged my thigh right into T's chair today and I can feel the gigantic bruise developing lmao

Then, the tag on Mal's bra was bugging her so she asked me to cut it off, but as I was cutting it I kept accidentally poking her with the scissors, so I put my hand between her skin and the scissors, and, well...

I kinda cut myself XD

And FYI, I found out that it hurts like a bitch to get cat treat crumbs in a cut-

You know the little thingies protecting the band aid that you take off before using the band aid? XD Mal made mini airplanes out of them, and in the middle of math class, I threw it and it landed right on the guy in front of me-

He was putting his hand in his pocket and the airplane hit his hand, and it almost fell either in his hand or in his pocket XD

Ok last thing: I got the chills in the middle of class and whenever I get the chills, I make a noise or say something, so I said (loudly) "Jesus Christ" and the girl in front of me turned around and said "what's happening??" and T told her that I got the chills and she was like "you say things when you get the chills???" and just awkwardly looked at me and gave me a thumbs up lmao

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