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An old friend of mine is back in town so Amalie, Mal and I met up with her at Mal's house

We just talked for a long time, and then decided to steal alcohol from Mal's parents XD

All they had was a bunch of liquor, and holy shit

That was so fucking disgusting

I tried like 3 or 4 different kinds, and I felt like I was gonna throw up each time >_< AND OH MY GOD IT BURNSSSS

There was one that was like 56 or 57% alcohol and I actually felt my stomach burning for so long afterwards

And now I think I'm a little traumatized and I don't wanna drink alcohol again >_<

There was this one hilarious moment when Mal's grandma (mormor :D) walked in and we all panicked XD Amalie quickly hid the alcohol, Mal ran to meet her grandma at the doorway so she wouldn't come in and smell the alcohol, and our old friend hauled ass out of the room and hid in the fucking bathroom and I was laughing so hard XDD

We all regretted drinking and wanted to go home, so at midnight, Amalie and I went home (the old friend stayed because she was too scared that she smelt like alcohol to go home lmao)

We took a million smelling tests lmao, and I borrowed some perfume and chewed on a butt ton of mint gum

Honestly if all alcohol tastes this disgusting then I don't ever want to be drunk, that shit is hard to swallow >_< My nose and eyes started stinging just from holding my face over the alcohol lmao

Don't even get me started on the burning sensation in my throat and stomach T_T

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