My school day literally consisted of a Christmas breakfast, and then we watched Home Alone and was allowed to leave at 11 :DD
People actually enjoy parties???
I guess it's more fun when you're drunk XD
The Christmas ball/party was today and I was so extremely bored and exhausted
I danced with Amalie, T, Mark and some others for a while but that got very boring VERY quickly XD
One funny thing did happen though: a drunk guy came up to me while I was sitting with T, and he sat across from me and shook my hand (and I mean DIRECTLY in front of me, our legs were almost touching 😂)
It was kinda weird because obviously it was extremely loud so we had to lean in and yell into each other's ears, and he kept asking things like what my name is, where I live, how old I am
And then he asked if I drank and I said no, and he offered his glass to me lmao (which I obviously said no to)
I looked over at Mark and mouthed "help", and both he as T kept laughing so hard
Plus he was giving me a really weird look ;-;
He tried to talk with me for a good 5 minutes and he held my hand the entire time and I didn't know what to do ;; I washed my hands immediately afterwards lmao XD
So idk what that was about but I'm glad I finally got out of that awkward situation lol
Anywho, my head is pounding and I'm so tired so goodnight :>