[1:] Right Place, Right Time

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  • Dedicated to ➳God and All of my readers!

Austin's P.O.V.

"Get out!" she screams at me.

I don't try to argue with her. I've done enough of that already.

Instead, I simply sigh and gather my belongings. But before I could do so, my now ex-girlfriend, Vanessa, throws all of my bags outside. At least it's not raining.

We got into another argument over something stupid. But by the sound of anger in her voice, I'd say that she wants to break up with me. Or already did. If this wasn't the first time we've argued, I'd sing to her to make her feel better. For some reason it seems to calm her down, but this time it doesn't work, it only makes her angrier.

I raise my hands up in defense. "All right! All right! I'm leaving!"

Vanessa started to cry out of anger. If she'd allow me to comfort her, I would. She's always been impatient with me though. That's when I realize that I shouldn't have a girlfriend that is so demanding and expects everything from me. I don't need a girlfriend that uses me and doesn't truly love me. That's why I gladly walk out. She slams the door afterwards.

I pick up all of the things she threw outside. It wasn't much. Some clothes and personal items and my gym equipment. I like to work out. I notice that she did get dirt all over my new shoes.

It's about eleven thirty at night. The moon is out. The dark sky has a few stars, twinkling in the distance.

My red Range Rover is parked outside. Luckily, she didn't do any damage to it. This is my first car. I bought it for myself a few months ago when I turned sixteen.

I angrily throw everything into the back seat, not caring how messy it looked at the moment.

I needed to blow off some steam. I'm not supposed to be home until tomorrow. My mom allowed me to spend the night, but I don't think I'll be doing that.

When I turn on the ignition, the car roars to life.

I'm not sure where I'm going to go. My buddies Alex, Zach, Robert and Sarah are probably all sleeping or busy and I don't want to show up unannounced.

I decide to take a drive on the highway. Not many cars are out and my mom would not like to see me like this.

Several minutes later, I'm driving along and there's this bridge that connects to other roads. I see this girl standing too close to the edge, as if she's trying to jump off.

I had to act fast. In no way in hell was I going to watch someone commit suicide and just stand and watch.

I pull over and I practically ran out of the car. The girl's body was already tilted in the direction of her immediate death. I see red lights going one way and yellow lights going the other. If she would've fell, she'd hit the concrete and maybe get hit by a car.

My first instinct was to stop her, and I did. I wrapped my arms around her and this causes both of us to stumble backwards and fall, which is a lot less painful than what she was about to do.

"What'd you do that for?" she said loudly to me. It wasn't necessarily a shout, but I could tell she was upset.

She got up and tried to jump again, but I stopped her before she could do so.

"Hey!" I said a little louder than I intended it to be.

She looked at me and sadness radiated her face.

She tried to jump several more times but I was too quick to catch her.

I had to pin her down; I had no other choice. Either be pinned down or dead. I didn't do it to the point where it would hurt her, just enough to keep her still.

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