Chapter 2

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The next day all the international students gather at the University to spend the day. They have organised a lot of different activities for us to get to know each other. This is nice. This way I might have some friends before school starts and my flat mates arrive! I meet a nice boy from Germany called Sebastian. We choose the same activities and by the end of the day I feel confident that we are friends. We agree to meet each other the next day to explore the city. When I walk back to the dorms I see that there's a lot of activity going on. Seems like there are arriving a lot of other students. I'm curious. Have my flat mates arrived yet? I don't see anyone when I enter the flat but I can tell by the look of the kitchen that someone has moved in. I enter my room and pretty soon there's a knock on my door. When I open I finally meet the people I'll be living with for the next year. There are 3 boys and one other girl.

"Hi!! I'm Jack! So nice to meet you!" The tall, dark haired boy on the left introduces himself first. He pulls me into a hug.

"Hi! I'm Charlotte. I arrived yesterday." The others are called Scott, Nikki and Stefan. They're 19 and it's their first year at USW.

"Hey, I noticed some beers in the fridge. Are they yours or a gift to welcome us?" Stefan asks. He's a big Asian looking guy with a friendly face and broad smile.

"They're mine. I brought them from Belgium but we can open some while we get to know each other?" We go to the kitchen and I open some bottles. I actually like my flat mates. I learn that Stefan is from South Korea and Scott is from Dubai. Nikki and Jack are from Cardiff. We talk 'till 3 am and when I go to bed I feel excited for this year, for the first time since arriving.

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