Chapter 47

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I don't have classes today because I need to work on my film project. It's hard to get Hero to leave.

"I don't want to go to class, I want to stay with you."

"I don't date losers who fail so go to class!" I give him a small kiss and gently push him outside. I decide to get some more coffee before I start working. I still have Hero's shirt on and I don't plan on taking it off soon. Killian is in the kitchen with Jack.

"Killian! I haven't seen you in ages!" I say before giving him a hug.

"That's because you and Hero lock yourselves up in your room all the time!" He's smiling but it doesn't reach his eyes so I know he's not joking. He's right though.. I was so caught up in Hero that I didn't text him.

"I'm so sorry. You're right! Do you want to hang out?" He doesn't say anything. "Pleaaaase? I miss you!"

"Okay shall we go to Pettigrew's to get some coffee and cake for breakfast?"

"Deal!" I run to my room to freshen up and brush my teeth. Ten minutes later we walk through The Hayes.

"How are you?" he asks.

"I'm fine. Better than fine to be honest. I'm so happy!"

"I can tell. How is Hero?"

"Oh he's perfect. Absolutely perfect!" I squeal.

"I heard you guys ran into Meg the other day. I heard he was quite a dick."

"It was a bit weird that he snapped at her like that," I admit.

"Did he say anything about it?"


"Did you even ask?"


"Damn it, why are you so blinded by that guy?" Killian suddenly snaps.


"Never mind."

"No, Kill, talk to me!"

"I don't want to talk about him. Let's just talk about something else." He distracts me by telling a story about Scott. Apparently he slept with his brother's girlfriend. I completely forget about the incident and for the rest of the morning we talk about my film project. Lizzie and Jack are on board and Killian wants in too.

Late afternoon there's a knock on my door. Hero is back from class. He takes me in his arms and kisses me.

"How was your day?" he asks with a look on my bed which is full of papers and my laptop.

"Good!" I make some room for him. "I went out for breakfast with Killian and I managed to do a lot of work."

"How is Killian?"

"He's fine. He wanted to help out so he's the one taking the behind the scenes photos."

"So Lizzie, Jack, Killian.. they're all helping?"


"Why am I not in it?"

"Why would you be?"

"Because I'm an actor! I could act in your film!"

"Ohh I don't know Hero.."

"Oh come on it'll be great to be on set together, you bossin' me around," he gives me a meaningful look. "We'd have so much fun!"

"I would have to talk to my assistant director about that. But are you sure? I mean, is that okay with your actual agent?"

"Let me handle that! I want to be in your film!"

"Okay, I'll talk to Charles but he'll be excited to have an actual famous actor on board."

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