Chapter 68

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As much as Hero's statement surprised me, I don't have a lot of time to think about it. I'm not sure how I feel about it or how I feel about him so I concentrate on my film. I need to put together the rest of the crew. I have the first meeting with my director, Sam and I'm a bit nervous. He had made some independent films and I feel really unexperienced compared to him.

"Okay, so I think we should start auditions soon," Sam says, putting my thoughts about Hero aside.

"Well, I have an actor for the male lead."

"Really? To be honest, I think we should talk about these things. I have to like the actor I work with. Do I know him?" Sam sounds frustrated.

"You might... It's Hero Fiennes-Tiffin."

"What?! You got Hero Fiennes-Tiffin to play the male lead?!" He looks like he's about to jump up and start clapping or something.

"Uhm.. yeah. I hope you're fine with that."

"Fine? I'm over the moon! How on earth did you do that?"

"He's a friend," I smile because Sam is so happy.

"Well, we need to find one hell of an actress now. Although, when he's on board, the reactions might be quite good. May I recommend someone I've worked with?"

After the meeting I head back to my flat. I'm quite happy with the results. Sam knows an actress that might be interested and he insists that she's pretty good. He wants to go through the script with Hero soon because he wants to start rehearsing. I knew that I would have to be around Hero all the time because making a film is hard work but now that I actually have to go to his room and talk to him, I'm convinced that this was the worst idea ever. I knock on the door of their flat and Megan opens the door. Great.

"Oh hey there Charlotte! Long time no see," she says with an evil grin.

"Hey Meg," I say with the fakest smile I can come up with. "Can I come in? I'm here to see Hero." The surprise on her face almost makes me laugh out loud. She didn't see that one coming.

"Eh, Hero? I didn't know you still talked to him."

"Oh, well, he's in my film so..." I gently push her aside and walk over to Hero's door. I give her one last smile before knocking on his door. When he opens the door, his green eyes are wide with surprise.

"Charlotte, I didn't expect to see you here." He has an earnest look in his face.

"Hey, can I come in?"

"Yeah sure!" He steps aside and I walk in. The memories come crashing into my mind like a tsunami. All I can think of is the first night we had sex, here, in his room. Okay, keep it together Char, this is about your final project.

"I'm here to talk about the film. I just had a meeting with Sam, our director."

"Oh, okay." Hero sounds disappointed.

"Is something wrong?"


"I know you better than that."

"I was just hoping that you were here to talk about the other day."

"Hero... we talked about this."

"No, we really didn't. But fine, what's up with the film?" He sits on the desk and I'm on the bed. It's not a large room but we seem a million miles away from each other.

"Well, he wants to read the script with you. Hear what you think about the character and rehearse some things." I have the script in my hand and hold it up. In that moment I can see the transformation, Hero's putting our differences aside and starts acting professional. He comes over to sit next to me and we go over the pages that Sam wants him to memorize for the meeting. We start talking about the script and how we think he should portray our character. We actually forget about everything and we can talk like we used to. That moment is lost however when Hero's hand accidentally touches mine to turn the page. The familiar feeling of electricity runs through my body. I know he felt it too because his pupils widen. This room, this feeling, those green eyes.. they all bring back so much memories. Too much to ignore. Before I can control myself I press my lips against Hero's. He gasps in surprise but puts his hands on my cheeks to hold me in place. He opens his lips and his tongue finds mine. Losing ourselves in this wide kiss makes the world stop spinning. I'm exactly where I want to be in this moment. As soon as Hero tries to get me on top of him, I come to my senses.

"I'm sorry," I stammer. "I have to go." And like the coward that I am, I leave his room.

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